Friday 6 April 2012

Does 'Hovah' really mean 'a ruin, disaster'?

Does 'Hovah' mean 'a ruin, disaster' in Strong's Concordance?

Many opposer’s have tried to use this clever tactic to make users of the name Jehovah question the use of that transliteration of the Divine name.

I was asked, Why do you use the name 'Jehovah' when 'hovah' in the Strong's Concordance means 'a ruin, disaster'. 

If  'hovah' does mean 'a ruin, disaster' in Strong's concordance then 'Jehovah' or 'Yehovah' can not mean 'he causes to become' or 'he is, he was, he will be' but rather something more negative like he causes or is a disaster.....or can it?!

Before my own limited evidence I will quote from a Hebrew Scholar Nehemia Gordon (who holds a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a bachelors Degree in Archaeology) whose book I have just read, Shattering the conspiracy of silence.

"...the rather silly claim that Yehovah יהוה comes from the Hebrew word HOVAH הוה meaning “disaster.” As I have explained in the past, this would be like saying that the word “assume” comes from the English words “ass,” “you,” and “me.” I call this “Hovah-logic,” which is defined as “knowing just enough Hebrew to be a disaster to yourself and others.”
In reality, Yehovah comes from the root HYH היה, meaning “to be,” whereas the word HOVAH (disaster) comes from the root HVH הוה. The two words only sound similar to someone blissfully ignorant of Hebrew grammar. For those who actually know Hebrew, Hoveh is a perfectly normal word meaning “he is” and Hovah is the feminine form meaning “she is” (both from HYH). Yehovah comes from Hoveh/ Hovah (“he/ she that is”). Neither has anything to do with the word “HOVAH” meaning “disaster” (from HVH).
My Laotian friend provides another example from Hebrew of how disastrous Hovah-logic can be. The Hebrew word for elephant, “PIL” פיל, sounds similar to “PILegesh” פילגש, meaning “concubine.” Using Hovah-logic, you could come up with some bizarre explanations. You might break down the word PILegesh into two words: PIL “elephant” and the verb GESH meaning “approach!” You could then say that ancient concubines were immensely fat and their paramours would shout at them, “Pil, Gesh!” “Approach, elephant!” As silly as this sounds, it’s actually more plausible than the name Yehovah having anything to do with the word for “disaster!”. "


This question almost invariably comes from people who either don't know Hebrew or know just enough to be dangerous to themselves. I'm not putting these people down. I applaud them for trying to understand Hebrew the best they can with the limited tools available to them. This is just me venting my frustration at having to explain basic Hebrew grammatical concepts.

The question starts off with the observation that the Hebrew word hovah means "disaster, calamity". This word appears three times in the Tanach, once in Isaiah and twice in a single verse in Ezekiel:

"Evil is coming upon you which you will not know how to charm away; disaster (hovah) is falling upon you which you will not be able to appease; coming upon you suddenly is ruin of which you know nothing." (Ezekiel 7:26)

(Isaiah 47:11) "Calamity (hovah) shall follow calamity (hovah), and rumor follow rumor. Then they shall seek vision from the prophet in vain; instruction shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the elders." 

Since hovah means "disaster" or "calamity", the question goes, doesn't this mean that Yehovah also means "disaster" or "calamity". 

I guess this makes sense to those innocent of basic Hebrew grammar but in the Hebrew language this makes no sense. This would be like saying that the English word "assume" is derived from the word "ass" because when you ass­u­me you make an ass of you and me. Someone actually told me this many years ago and they were dead serious. Of course, an examination of any historical English dictionary will reveal that "assume" actually comes from the Latin verb "assume(re)" and not from the English word for a donkey.

Let's look at some Hebrew basics before we get ourselves in trouble assuming. With a few exceptions, every word in the Hebrew language has a three ­letter root, something proven in the 11th century by the Spanish rabbi Yonah Ibn Janah. Modern linguistics has confirmed this, observing that the three ­letter root is a basic characteristic of all Semitic languages. Most Hebrew roots are "whole" roots meaning all three letters of the root are present regardless of how the root is used in different grammatical forms. 

For example, the Hebrew root SH.M.R. has the basic meaning "to guard". Hebrew can use this root in dozens of ways, each with a different shade of meaning, such as the verbs SHaMaRti "I guarded" and hiShaMeR "be careful" (be on guard), the noun miSHMeRet meaning "duty" (which a person has to be on guard to keep), and the names SheMeR and SHoMRon. As a "whole" root, the letters shin mem resh are always present in words derived from this root. The opposite of a "whole" root is a "hollow" root.

In "hollow" roots, one or more of the three letters of the root can be absent in certain grammatical forms. For example, the root BNH בנה" to build" loses the third letter of the root in the verb baniti (spelled BNYty בניתי" (I built". In this form of the verb, the H of BNH drops and is replaced by a Yod. If you didn't know about hollow verbs and saw the word baniti you might think the root was BNY בני when in fact it is BNH בנה.

You're probably thinking, "When is he gonna talk about the name?!"

Ok, here goes. The name Yehovah derives from the three­letter root HYH which means "to be". We know this from Exodus 3:14 in which the Almighty explains his name as "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh". The word Ehyeh is an "imperfect" verb from the root HYH meaning "to be". In later Hebrew, the "imperfect" form took on the meaning of "future" but in Biblical Hebrew it primarily expresses a repetitive action. In plain English, Ehyeh means "I am now and I will continue to be in the future". This is why Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh can be translated as "I am that which I am" but also as "I will be that which I will be". Both of these translations are correct even if they are a bit inaccurate. An accurate translation would be: "I am now and will continue to be in the future that which I am now and will be continue to be in the future". That's quite a mouthful and you can see why most translations prefer to dumb it down. 

The word eHYeH has all three letters of the root HYH which may lead you to conclude that HYH is a "whole" root. However, in other forms of the verb, the second and third letter drop which means it is a "hollow" root. For example, HaYiti (spelled HYYty הייתי" (I was" is missing the third letter of the root H and in its place has a Yod. On the other hand, the masculine singular imperative Heveh (pronounced Heh Vay) "be!" is missing the second letter of the root and in its place has a Vav. 

This last piece of information is crucial becomes it means in certain forms the root looks like HVH even though in fact it is HYH. This can be confusing because there is an unrelated root which really is HVH and which has an entirely different meaning from HYH. Don't worry, I'm almost done with the crash course in Hebrew grammar.

Now back to the name. Yehovah comes from the same root as Ehyeh: the hollow root HYH. Yehovah is actually a combination of three verb­forms: Hayah "he was", Hoveh "he is", and Yih'yeh "he is now and will continue to be in the future". Together Hayah, Hoveh, and Yih'yeh combine into the name Yehovah. But does the meaning of the name tell us its pronunciation? Not necessarily. Many ancient Hebrew names stray from the vowel patterns found in common nouns and verbs. For example, my name Nehemia (pronounced N'chem­Yah) means "Yah comforts". However, if I said "Yah comforts" in a regular Biblical Hebrew sentence it would be Nee­chaym Yah. Why is my name pronounced N'chem­Yah and not Nee­Chaym­Yah? As we say in Hebrew: Kachah! Just because!

Hebrew names don't follow the same rules as common nouns and verbs. Deal with it! The bottom line is the meaning of YHVH as "he that was, he that is, and he that will be" doesn't tell us how to pronounce the name. The pronunciation Yehovah is based on Hebrew Masoretic manuscripts, but for that you'll have to read Keith's little study.

Let's get back to the hollow verbs. We saw that "Yehovah" comes from the hollow root HYH and as a result the Y can be replaced with a V in certain forms. To the untrained eye this makes it look like the root is HVH when in fact it is HYH. Remember the word Hovah meaning "disaster"? That word actually does come from the root HVH, which means "destruction". There is no connection between the name Yehovah and the word hovah because they are from two unrelated Hebrew roots: HYH "to be" and HVH "destruction". Pronouncing the name as Yehovah doesn't change this situation. Even though Yehovah sounds like it contains the word hovah "disaster" within it, this is a pure coincidence, just like the word "assume" which sounds like it contains the word "ass" in it. It doesn't mean that Yehovah means "disaster" nor does it mean Yehovah is connected in any way to the word for "disaster". If you assume that to be the case, then you're just making an ass of yourself. 

First I will show you what is Truthful about the question then I will show you what is twisted.

These are the Hebrew words and lexical numbers from Strong's concordance involved in this argument.

הוָֹה Lexical number H1943
Transliteration = hovah
Meaning = Misfortune, calamity, adversity.

יְהֹוָה Lexical number H3068
Transliteration = Yehovah
Meaning = Jehovah, name of the supreme God of the Hebrews.

הָיָה Lexical number H1961
Transliteration = hayah
Meaning = To be, to become, exist.

הָוָה Lexical number H1933
Transliteration = hava'
Meaning = Shall be, may be, will occur.

Basically the lexical number for the Tetragrammaton יְהֹוָה in the Strong's concordance is H3068, and that reference lists the root word (how we make up the preceding word) as H1961 'hayah, to become', which comes from the Primitive root H1933 'hava', Shall be', and that is the finishing point for the four letters יְהֹוָה in the Strong's concordance.

So if the Tetragrammaton is transliterated as Yehovah which comes from the root 'to become', why does the hovah bit of Yehovah mean 'misfortune, calamity'?

This is because, hovah is a transliteration in itself that is NEVER applied to יְהֹוָה in the Hebrew text. Each Hebrew word comes from a root verb or noun, hovah is a feminine noun that actually comes from the root havvah which means 'wickedness, mischief'.

To show this in scripture, Strong's lists two texts where hovah is used, but there is no sign of the Divine name.

Isaiah 47:11 and Ezekiel 7:26

Isa 47:11 KJV with Strong's Hebrew lexical references

..and mischiefH1943 shall fallH5307 uponH5921 thee;”

Did you see that H1943 hovah is used for mischief and not for the Divine name.

Here is the full verse in Hebrew, notice NO Tetragrammaton יְהוָה just hovah H1943 הֹוָה,

 וּבָא עָלַיִךְ רָעָה, לֹא תֵדְעִי שַׁחְרָהּ, וְתִפֹּל עָלַיִךְ הֹוָה, לֹא תוּכְלִי כַּפְּרָהּ; וְתָבֹא עָלַיִךְ פִּתְאֹם שֹׁאָה, לֹא תֵדָעִי.

The NWT puts it this way

..And upon you calamity (hovah) must come”

This verse is better because it has two references in one verse, H1943 and H1961.

Ezekiel 7:26 KJV with Strong's Hebrew lexical references

MischiefH1943 shall comeH935 uponH5921 mischief,H1943 and rumourH8052 shall beH1961 uponH413 rumour;H8052

In the Hebrew text it is clear there is no Tetragrammaton יְהוָה just hovah הֹוָה, and hava הְיֶה

 הֹוָה עַל-הֹוָה תָּבוֹא, וּשְׁמֻעָה אֶל-שְׁמוּעָה תִּהְיֶה; וּבִקְשׁוּ חָזוֹן, מִנָּבִיא--וְתוֹרָה תֹּאבַד

Again the NWT puts it this way

There will come adversity (hovah) upon adversity (hovah), and there will occur (hava) report upon report

Here are two verses in English then in Hebrew that have hovah (calamity, mischief) first then the Tetragrammaton יְהֹוָה (Jehovah) in the next verse, proving they are not the same or have the same meaning or are in anyway linked, except, as in these two verses when they are in the same chapter!

Ezekiel 7:26,27


26 There will come adversity upon adversity, and there will occur report upon report, and people will actually seek a vision from a prophet, and the law itself will perish from a priest and counsel from elderly men. 27 The king himself will go into mourning; even a chieftain will clothe himself with desolation, and the very hands of the people of the land will get disturbed. According to their way I shall act toward them, and with their judgments I shall judge them; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’”

KJV with strongs Hebrew lixical refererences

MischiefH1943 shall comeH935 uponH5921 mischief,H1943 and rumourH8052 shall beH1961 uponH413 rumour;H8052 then shall they seekH1245 a visionH2377 of the prophet;H4480 H5030 but the lawH8451 shall perishH6 from the priest,H4480 H3548 and counselH6098 from the ancients.H4480 H2205
The kingH4428 shall mourn,H56 and the princeH5387 shall be clothedH3847 with desolation,H8077 and the handsH3027 of the peopleH5971 of the landH776 shall be troubled:H926 I will doH6213 unto them after their way,H4480 H1870 and according to their desertsH4941 will I judgeH8199 them; and they shall knowH3045 thatH3588 IH589 am the LORD.H3068

Hebrew text
Remember Hebrew is read from right to left. Notice the first word is calamity הֹוָה and the last word is Jehovah יְהוָה

 הֹוָה עַל-הֹוָה תָּבוֹא, וּשְׁמֻעָה אֶל-שְׁמוּעָה תִּהְיֶה; וּבִקְשׁוּ חָזוֹן, מִנָּבִיא--וְתוֹרָה תֹּאבַד מִכֹּהֵן, וְעֵצָה מִזְּקֵנִים.

 הַמֶּלֶךְ יִתְאַבָּל, וְנָשִׂיא יִלְבַּשׁ שְׁמָמָה, וִידֵי עַם-הָאָרֶץ, תִּבָּהַלְנָה; מִדַּרְכָּם אֶעֱשֶׂה אֹתָם, וּבְמִשְׁפְּטֵיהֶם אֶשְׁפְּטֵם, וְיָדְעוּ, כִּי-אֲנִי יְהוָה.

So we can clearly see that the Hebrew word Transliterated into hovah is used for words like calamity and mischief but it isnt used or linked in any way to the Tetragrammaton thus to Jehovah.

References for Hebrew Text ,
for KJV with Strong's References
for Strong's Concordance online


  1. Seeing that you asked the "society" in Bethel on this matter shows several things. One being that there are no hebrew scholars in the "society". Of course they will defend the mistranslation, while in some publications such as what does the bible reaaly teach, page 195 last paragraph "therefore no one today can say for sure exactly how people of Bible times pronounced YHWH" This quote is very telling as the society says it Jehovah. Furthermore the simple use of a concordance does not relate the hebrew gramatic rules. Hovah in combination with any word retains its meaning and does not revert to the root word. If this were the case it would retain the root words pronoucation rather then a different one. The society is using cauistry, a study or reasoning that sounds plausible, but misleads by subtle reasoning. Do not be fooled by a group who has very little knowledge in Hebrew. Would you take a broken car to a carpenter ? No,why then would you ask a group of persons who have little or no knowledge, and have no intrest in knowledge of anything Hebrew at all ? Perhaps take the car to a mechanich, and questions on hebrew langauage to one who actually know it, a Hebrew.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Apparently aren't you the one who has less knowledge about, sometimes you have a serving of humility is needed in order to be able to accept things as they are and not as you want them to be.

    3. Humility is the key. But what about defending the truth...and not following the crowd that put 2 and 2 together and make 5?

    4. @ natsari yahudim. Please see the updated blog with Hebrew scholar insert. I have taken your advice and not use the 'society'!! Thanks

  2. Funny, i never used the word society and i put that in there to show they answer questions because so many on the internet say 'dont question them whatever you do'!!

    You said "Hovah in combination with any word retains its meaning" but hovah is Hebrew so its translated not mixed in with English words.

    So..the Hebrew word is translated, for instance, lets say for example before and after a full stop (.)

    'Yahweh. Hovah......'

    will be translated

    'Jehovah. Calamity....' Because its English not Hebrew.

  3. When the name was given to Moses, it was spoken in Hebrew and said "this is my name for all generations". The same men who have claimed to be in the seat of power (catholic church) are the very ones who give you this perverted translation. So many rail against the catholic whore but don't even understand that they have submittited to its doctrine and power. So a catholic monk mixes up some vowel points from Adonia with YHWH and gives you a LATINIZED translation and you say its english. We both know that J does not exsist in hebrew, but the Y sound does in english, so why would we not try to retain themore pure pronucation ? Also notice that rabanic jews have a custom of writing anything with "Yah" as "Yeh" as to not defame the name. Notice this to is the case in jehovah. Seeing in hebrew the jeh is Yah it seems the catholic monk took consideration for the jews ban of saying or writing the name back then, just as was done recently when the catholics quit using "Yahweh" as to not offend the jews. But let us notice that only the Jeh has taken a "translation" into english as you would defend, but the hovah retains the same pronucation as in hebrew. Does this not seem an odd thing ? It can be shown many times thru prophets, and other names Yah is the correct translation of the YH. So why translate half into english but not the WH ? And why not disregard the jewish law and use Jah instead of Jeh ? As the witnesses admit on one hand the name is lost, on the other they defend this perverted and twisted latin to english hybryd translation from a catholic monk. Jehovah is the name of a demon, the sonner you accept this the closer you will come to the real truth.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Er..Jehovah is not Satan.

    2. your video doesnt show jehovah it show YehoWah at the end jehovah is from catholic teachings

  5. Interesting blog, what I have to say is that Mankind is lost, who can help, anybody out there?! So who's the truth God(Dog)? We are meant to be born and find out from our parents who found out from their parents who probably weren't told the truth anyways. I'm a human, I'm here typing this reply thanks to some creator long time ago... that created this lovely place and put all the lovely creature in it but only the humans are the ones that are messed up, we ask lots of questions about God but we don't get answers, the people who meant to know some kind of answers are into boys, fancy lifestyle, making wars and lots of money for themselves, Dear God if you are out there, please reset this planet.

    1. Probably the best comment yet...Thanks.
      We dont have to listen to our parents the truth is out there.....but no link to the x files haha!

      Truth can be found thats all i can say to you really, and this.... to lighten the mood...

      The dyslectic agnostic insomniac sits awake all night wondering if there is a Dog!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks for your comments i will answer them the best I can and numbered to your numbers.

      1) Because havah and hayah are the roots that make up a transliteration not the bits that simply make up the spelling.

      2) I use Jehovah, Yehovah is from strongs.

      3) The point of mentioning the branch office was to show they are not like other religions that say 'you just need faith' they answer and care.

      Here is some research I have found.
      Download the PDF's if you want a balanced view

      First website starts by saying 'the most accurate VERSION of the Tetragrammaton, YaHuWaH.'

      No one know's the exact pronunciation so you cannot say Gods name is this or that definitely we will never know that's why we are having this discussion!

      Then it says 'overlaid MODIFIED vowel points of Adonai (Strong's #3068) and Elohim (Strong's #3069) ' (to make Jehovah)

      Does this sound like sound reasoning, firstly The divine name is used some six thousand eight hundred
      and twenty-three times in the Masoretic Text. Six thousand five hundred
      and eighteen times the name is marked to be pronounced
      J'hõh-vãh' 3068. Three hundred and five times the name is marked to be
      pronounced Jehõh-vih' . Not once is the divine name
      marked to be pronounced in any other way.

      The Masoretes were a special class of Levite, entrusted with the responsibility of
      safeguarding the Hebrew text and preserving it from being corrupted in
      any way. To allow any word to be mispronounced through a deliberate
      mispointing would have been totally against the ethic of these Levitical
      Masoretes! Had such tampering with the Hebrew text been attempted, the
      cries of protest from these Masoretic scholars would be recorded in
      historical writings for all the world to see. But there is no such historical

      On the other hand, there is ample evidence in the records of history to
      support the accuracy and consistency of the system of vowel pointing that
      was developed by the Tiberian Masoretes.

      The Second website I couldn't get into without signing up, so maybe another time.

      The other videos I will watch in due time.

      Mate, the last video is 4hrs long... which bit says about DNA and why does no other scholarly source support this theory?

      Thanks EC

    2. We do know the exact pronunciation if you watch the youtube videos.

      The spelling may be different because it is a 'transliteration' from Hebrew to whatever language you are transliterating to, so the spelling may be different in each language. In Hebrew, the alphabet itself is completely different from English. Also there are no vowels in the Hebrew alphabet, which is why 'vowel points' are used.

      But the pronunciation is similar in any language. 'Kevin' is obviously spelled differently in Hebrew, but is pronounced similarly no matter what language you transliterate it to.

      That video using the 'modified vowel points' argument is nonsense ('Watchtower uses a false name for God'). I only included those videos because he shows the origin of 'Jehovah' even in the societies publications. The other youtube videos are the ones to focus on.

      The 4 hour video has some good history. You can use VLC Media Player to watch in 1.5x or 2x the original speed. The point about the Tetragrammaton equaling the formula for DNA is found at the 8:20 minute mark.

      Isaiah 66:5 shows that there are 'brothers' that are using God's name correctly and others who 'hate and exclude' those that use the correct name. Which one are you?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This blog is completely ridiculous and illogical.

      1st of all, if you believe 'Jehovah' is God's name why claim that H1933 and H1961 are the root of His name? Why are you not saying His name is Jehava? or Jehayah?

      2nd, why are you quoting from the Strong's and then ignoring Strong's definition of 'hovah' at H1943?

      3rd, if you want to 'make sure of all things' and be like the Bereans who 'carefully examined the scriptures to see if the things they were being taught were true', you cannot go to the 'society' to see if the 'society' is revealing the truth. You have to examine information from outside, independent sources to check to see what is true and what isn't. Obviously you have not done so if you are using Jehovah instead of Yahu'ah or Yahuwah or Yahowah.

      4th, God's name is Yahu'ah or Yahuwah or Yahowah depending on how you want to spell it. The pronunciation for these transliterated spellings is the same.

      5th, Yah is the shortened version of the name and which is used in the word 'hallelujah' (which should be spelled 'halleluyah'), meaning 'Praise Yah, you people'.

      6th, There are 137 Hebrew names in the scriptures that use part of Yahu'ah's name. Even some modern day Jews have part of His name in their name, such as prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

      Look at the videos and webpage below:

      Also, according to the video below at the 8:20 minute mark, the YHWH Tetragrammaton equals the formula for DNA. That seems highly likely for the Creator who created DNA and human life!

    5. 1) Again, havah and hayah are the roots that make up a transliteration not the bits that simply make up the spelling. I believe Jehovah is the English transliteration of the tetragrammaton.

      2) Not ignoring hovah definition it doesn't apply to the root words, YHWH or Jehovah. We translate the hebrew letters into the word hovah then into the english word disaster, and the hebrew letters YHWH into the name Yahweh or Yehovah or Yahusuah then into the English Jehovah.

      3) You must be an old skool JW that uses words like 'society'?!
      I have answered this already and given you some material, have you read it?

      4) Agreed. Now as he is the universal God of all languages is it wrong to take YHWH and use the appropriate English consonants that match, JHVH? Do you say Jerusalem or Yerushaláyim?

      5) Agreed.

      6) ok

      The video about YHWH and DNA....Do you actually buy that?
      Its full of obscure reasoning's and getting to a unrealistic answer through a bended view.
      It starts with 'the word' from John 1, and the word is a symbol....?!! Huh? both logos and lexis derive from the same verb meaning "to count, tell, say, speak".
      Thats why Jesus is called the word, he was Gods mouth piece on Earth, no second meaning of a symbol.

    6. You do not seem very bright... the 'havah and hayah are the roots that make up a transliteration not the bits that simply make up the spelling.'??? You said you are 'Not ignoring hovah definition, it doesn't apply to the root words, YHWH or Jehovah.'???

      Huh? What are you talking about? Hovah is the root for Jehovah, not YHWH! You admit that the shortened version of God's name is Yah, which His Son had within his name Yahushua (Yah is salvation) but you still insist on slandering the Almighty with 'Jehovah' because the idiots at the Watchtower told you that it is ok?

      You agree that Yahu'ah, Yahowah, Yahuwah are correct but yet you still insist on slandering the Almighty with a satanic false name! The English consonants are YHWH, not JHVH!!! Did you do any research or even remember that I pointed out that there was no 'J' until 1630 in English and no J letter in any language until the 9th century. There was a 'Y' letter, as there still is today, so the change was completely unnecessary!

      The change to 'Jehovah' was Satan's way to slander God's name! How? Because there are satanic free masons who worship 'Jah-Bul' or 'Jahbulon' or 'Jah-Baal' so when Satan had God's name changed and people sang 'Praise Jah, you people' (hallelujah), Satan could snicker and snear!

      Satan had the 'hovah' added to further the slandering of God's name by that 12th century Catholic Dominican monk, the Raymundus Martini moron. It was changed it to 'Jehovah', possibly because the free masons did not want 'Jahovah' to be used because it might confuse their fellow demon worshipers and infringe on their demon God Jah-Bul.

      I don't know why for sure, but I do know Satan is always trying to mock God and he loves it when idiots among God's people do as well. Did you read Isaiah 66:5? I know you are not very bright, but what do you think that it means that 'brothers' are excluded because of His name? Are you so clueless that you think it applies to Christendumb? The ones in Christendumb are not 'brothers'... get it or are you a little slow to comprehend basic Bible truths?

      The one Youtube video showed that the Watchtower correctly pointed out that 'Jehovah' came from a Catholic Dominican monk who 'Latinized' the name incorrectly (which the Society now hides). Saying 'Jerusalem or Yerushaláyim' is not an issue because it is not slanderous or blasphemous. Also, people pronounce their names the same in any language. A person by the name of 'Juan' or 'Kevin' will have his name pronounced (and spelled the same if the alphabets are similar) in Spanish, Russian, English, Italian etc... and it isn't slanderous or blasphemous like 'Jehovah' is! Get it?

      Doing research shows that 'Jehovah' is slanderous and blasphemous! Are you from your Father the Devil? Do you believe God's Son who said that we 'must worship the Father in spirit and truth'?

      The video I pointed out stated that the Tetragrammaton supposedly equals the formula for DNA. It seems reasonable to me that the God who created DNA and human life might have His name equal DNA. That's all I pointed out about that video. Why are you bringing up other things that he stated?

      Also, I mentioned in my other comment that 'Jesus' is a made up slanderous and blasphemous name for God's Son and yet you still insist on using it? Again, are you from your Father the Devil? Again, do you believe God's Son who said that we 'must worship the Father in spirit and truth'?

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    9. 1 Timothy 1:20 Hy·me·nae′us and Alexander are among these, and I have handed them over to Satan so that they may be taught by discipline not to blaspheme.

      The scripture above is why I get upset. You are blaspheming the Most High, either intentionally or unintentionally. Others can read your twisting of the truth and blaspheme His name as well.

      You now admit that there was no J letter, and you admit that there was a Y letter centuries ago when the false name Jehovah was created by Satan. So if there was the original Y letter in use, there was no need to change the Y to a I letter (or a J) to substitute in place of the Y. NONE whatsoever... it was a slanderous, blasphemous trick that you yourself apparently are falling for.

      Galatians 6:7 Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked...

      You are inadvertently mocking God, just like Satan constantly does, when you use Jehovah! And you are misleading people who look up the origin of 'hovah'. I knew about Strong's reference to 'Hovah', but could not remember the exact numerical reference (H1943). I wanted to comment on these Youtube videos:

      Strong's is a good reference book, but it is not inspired by Yahu'ah. Tyndale is not inspired either. Neither looked at the original name of God or the original pronunciation from 2,000+ years ago. Their conclusions are completely illogical and incorrect. The root of 'Je-hovah' is 'hovah' and the definition is found at Strong's H1943.

      I've pointed out the research. You've admitted that YHWH is the English representation of the Tetragrammaton, but you somehow stick with 'Jehovah'? Huh... what??? You are completely illogical!

      You correctly point put that the 1st letter of the Tetragrammaton is Yod in the Hebrew language. It is represented by the letter Y in English... not I or J. The 2nd and 4th letters are now represented by H and the third letter is W. So the Tetragrammaton is represented in English as YHWH. A and U are not part of the Tetragrammaton! They are simply added to help people pronounce God's name correctly!

      So what is important is the 'sound' that pure Tetragrammaton, the four (4) Hebrew vowel letters, Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey produces. The 'sound' produced will be similar in all languages.

      The Y in English is pronounced just like English speaking people pronounce their 'Y', the H is pronounced 'ah', the W is pronounced 'oo' or 'uu' (W is really UU but was changed to a new singular letter W), and again the H is pronounced 'ah'. So the proper pronunciation is Yahu'ah (or Yahuwah or Yahowah which are all pronounced the same).

      That is how one determines how to pronounce and spell God's name in any language. Depending on the alphabet, the spelling might obviously be different. But if the spelling and pronunciation is satanically inspired to blaspheme and mock the Creator... that is a serious problem!

      Did you watch these videos and learn from the Hebrew scholars (the one that I originally posted)?

    10. I am agreeing, the important bit is the sound, that was the Yod as Jod, and why Tyndale used that reasoning to write I and J not Y.

      I'm not blaspheming or twisting I am showing you why Jehovah is correct, if you can find fault with my reasoning I will look again.

      I have given evidence Y was pronounced J from the phonetic system of the Sephardic Jews.

      Please see the wiki page for Yodh the first letter of the tetragrammaton it says "Its sound value is /J/ in all languages for which it is used"

      I am not saying you are wrong that's the end of it, I am saying lets look at the evidence we both find to come to an acceptable answer.

      I need to address this section you wrote..

      "Strong's is a good reference book, but it is not inspired by Yahu'ah. Tyndale is not inspired either. Neither looked at the original name of God or the original pronunciation from 2,000+ years ago. Their conclusions are completely illogical and incorrect."

      Both have the Tetragrammaton in their works, and pronunciation explanations, why do you say they don't?

      Then you said..

      "The root of 'Je-hovah' is 'hovah' and the definition is found at Strong's H1943."

      This is just NOT CORRECT, in strong's it says

      3068 Yhovah yeh-ho-vaw' from 1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:--Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.

      See where it says FROM 1961...that is the root, not 1943. It just doesn't say or link the two in anyway.

      For example..

      Solomon in Strong's is

      8010 Shlomoh shel-o-mo' from 7965; peaceful; Shelomah, David's successor:--Solomon.

      Solomon means peaceful, but because it is made up of the words Solo and mon doesn't mean the meaning has changed and it means he was a 'solo man', a man on his own.

    11. The 1st letter of the Tetragrammaton is Yod when translated to English! Jod is a Latin spelling of the Hebrew symbol/letter. It was the Catholic monk Raymundus Martini, who falsely and blasphemously changed and mistranslated the entire Tetragrammaton to Latin in the 12th century, including the 1st letter. Did you watch the Youtube videos???

      The pronunciation of that Hebrew symbol/letter is not Yod or Jod! That is the name of the Hebrew symbol/letter, not how one pronounces it in a word, you clown! What? You don't know the difference? Are you kidding me??? How can you even put a blog on the internet about a subject that you know so little about?

      Here is the correct pronunciation depending on the word and how it is used:

      Also, I previously mentioned, the Y was already in use in English, so there was no need to change the Y to i when translating to English (and then later to j) and there still isn't any need to.

    12. But the main reason that Je-hovah is slander and blasphemy is the 'hovah'... the root of Je-hovah and the root of the problem!
      Strong's H3068 is meant to represent the True name of God accurately, but H3068 made a huge error in stating that 'Jehovah' was the 'God of the Jews'. This shows that what had been falsely transmitted originally by Martini centuries before continued to be propagated as truth when Strong wrote his encyclopedia.

      There is just no supporting proof for what Strong's is stating about God's true name at H3068. Just because Strong's is falsely stating that the God of the Hebrew Jews is supposedly 'Jehovah' does not make it so. In truth, Strong's shows false Hebrew letters for the Tetragrammaton at yeh-ho-vaw' (ye hôvâh)

      As mentioned in my previous post, the Tetragrammaton is the four (4) Hebrew vowel letters, Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey. The 'sound' produced will be similar in all languages... Yah-hoo-ah.

      So the letters of the Tetragrammaton are not Yeh-ho-vaw as Strong's falsely states and therefore the sound is not ye hôvâh as Strong's also falsely states!

      So Strong's is incorrectly linking that false name 'Jehovah' from H3068 to H1961, when in fact it is Yahu'ah that should be used at H3068 and therefore linked to H1961.

      If Strong's would have researched further back in time (way before Martini), they would have correctly determined and stated that the name of the Hebrew God was Yahu'ah. Then Strong could link H3068 to H1961 and it would have correctly stated that it was Yahu'ah's name at H3068 that came from H1961...'the one that causes to be' or the 'existing one'!

      So that is the reason why Strong's doesn't link H1961 with H1943... because 'hovah' has nothing to do with God's true name Yahu'ah!!! Get it??? H1961 is meant to be the reference number and word for the meaning of God's True NAME... not His false one!

      So just because Strong links the false name from H3068 to H1961 does not make the false name 'Jehovah' true. Strong is completely wrong about God's name being 'Jehovah'.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. As far as Tyndale, he was centuries after Raymundus Martini. Martini wickedly affected and influenced the incorrect English translation of God's name by Tyndale and other translators after him! Why don't you get it?

      It is historically, factually and phonetically false. How could it be true when 'Jehovah' was made up centuries after the scriptures were written! Do you get it now???

      The title of your blogpage is 'Does the 'Hovah' (in Jehovah), really mean 'a ruin, disaster'? Incredibly, you lie to falsely explain that the 'Hovah' is somehow not part of Je-hovah! You do not even explain WHY the 'hovah' is even part of that false name!

      Do you now know why the 'hovah' is a part of Je-hovah'? It is Satan's trick to blaspheme God and have humans like you do the same! Pretending that 'hovah' and 'Je-hovah' are not connected shows your Devil-like deceptiveness!!!

      Falsely claiming that 'hovah' is supposedly not part of 'Jehovah'' because it isn't mentioned or linked from Strong's H3068 reference to Strong's H1961 reference regarding God's name and meaning is an absurd argument. Of course H3068 and H1961 are not linked! 'Hovah' has nothing to do with the true name or true meaning of the true God... but it is directly connected with the false name of the false God 'Je-hovah'!

      So by disregarding H1943, which does in fact explain what 'hovah' means, you come to a false and incorrect conclusion Maybe intentionally, maybe not, but you never even discuss H1943! When you intentionally or wickedly do not connect the 'hovah' part to 'Jehovah' at all, you show that you are either from your father, the Devil or badly misled by him!

      Do you really think that by falsely adding the 'Je' to 'hovah' that it changes the root meaning from 'mischief, ruin, disaster' (H1943) to 'causes to be' or 'existing one' (H1961)? Huh???

      You quote nonsensical false research to back up your false position on God's name, while you ignore Hebrew scholars that reveal truthful information about God's true name. Why??? Is that why you focus on my words, instead of the videos from those Hebrew and Aramaic researchers?

      Are you looking to find fault with my words to prove yourself right! Why are you are wasting your time trying to prove falsehoods? What is your motive to go out of your way to find incorrect false research to try and prove a falsehood, instead of researching correct information to prove correct truth?

      You selectively and deceptively quote an imperfect reference book (Strong's) to mislead people to inadvertently blaspheme the Creator's name. I don't know if you are wicked, a fool, or like Satan, both... a wicked fool that tries to fool others to blaspheme God like he does!

      Quit debating for the sake of debating! You are trying to 'win an argument' instead of trying to find the truth. Quit trying to prove yourself right... and try getting the Creator's name right!

      1 Timothy 1:4-7: You are doing foolish research (instead of finding out what really is right)
      John 8:45,47: If you are from God you would listen to truth, but you must not be from God.
      John 9:41: If you are ignorant, you can be forgiven, but once you know, there is no forgiveness.
      Isaiah 66:5: You will be the one ashamed for using the wrong name of God!

      I offered to send you my research, but you did not respond. In my opinion, that shows your heart. Did you even watch the Youtube videos that I have posted twice?

    16. Sorry for delay, iv been working away.

      I am going through your links, first

      This page quotes wikipedia correctly then writes its own conclusion. Where in fact the Masoretes were very accurate in keeping the correct vowel points instead of adding ones from adonai and elohim as falsely claimed. As one scholar says

      "The Masoretes were a special class of Levite, entrusted with the responsibility of
      safeguarding the Hebrew text and preserving it from being corrupted in any way."

      If you look at any text of or from the (Tiberian) Masoretes it is kept very accurate and I believe there adding vowel points was to keep the name accurate and not hide it.

      Lets start with that. :)

    17. Kevinb1914 please read my updated blog now with a Hebrew scholar quote. Thanks

    18. You know I read that website and after reading the whole thing.My conclusion is,It's full of crap!!! The guy does a lot of babbling about nothing and go's on and on but not giving any evidence.And Kevinb put faith in this shit! unbelievable! At the end it says " under construction " What a joke LOL

    19. I just watched the video " by Alan Horvath and this on is just as bad as the first crap website, The first thing I noticed is he disabled the comment box on his video.
      This tells me He can't handle the heat from people who know what they are talking about ! He had some things right but had a whole lot wrong and doesn't research properly.For Example his knowledge about the letter J really sucks.If he did his research he would find out that J sound was used hundreds of years before the 1600s and was represented by the lower case i because i was used as a consonant when written beside a vowel back in middle English. And he keep pronouncing the letter Vav as Vav but then he pronounces it with the w sound when referring YHVH.
      " Many scholars assume ancient Hebrew to be a corrupt form of Arabic and claim the Hebrew vav was pronounced the same as the Arabic letter waw. However,an 11th century Jewish on pronunciation proves that the Jews of the land of Israel traditionally pronounced vav as V (Ilan Elder,Torat Harkriah Bamikra,Jerusalem 1994,page 65-66[Hebrew]. This pronunciation tradition may date back to the time of Ezekiel,as can be seen,for example,from the word gav meaning,"back"which is sometimes written with a vav and sometimes with a soft bet,indicating that both letters were pronounced V ( Ezekiel 10:2;23:35.) This guy on the video is confused LOL

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  11. Jehovah's Witnesses claim to have gotten out of Babylon by leaving all churches, but yet keep some of the same false beliefs that they do! The name 'Jesus Christ' itself comes from the Roman emperor Constantine in 325 C.E. at the Council of Nicaea when he wanted to united the 11 different religions of the Roman empire into one state religion.

    Constantine brought all 11 religious leaders to the council and and let them explain why their God was the true God, before ultimately deciding to combine two of their demonic Gods into one dual God to represent the one Roman state religion. He chose the Satanic Druid God 'Hesus' along with the Eastern mystical Savior God 'Krishna', to come up with 'Hesus Krishna' in Latin, which then became the official God of the Roman empire.

    'Messiah' means 'the anointed one' (meaning 'anointed by holy spirit'). Pagan Greek believers who mixed their ancient pagan beliefs with the scriptures came up with a blended Greek word 'Christos', a blend between the Greek word for 'anointed with oil' (crista), which the pagans used when performing Satanic rituals and ceremonies for their initiates and their Greek pagan god Chrestos, which apparently originated from the name Krista, the son of 'Krishna', the false, eastern mythical God. So 'Christos' was a new Greek word and the term 'Christian' was the new term that began to be used sometime after the Council of Nicaea in the 4th century.

    Mary, the mother of the Messiah, named God's Son's the same Hebrew name as Moses' general 'Yahushua' (the son of Nun), who led the Israelites into the promised land after Moses died. Yahushua literally means "Yah is Salvation". Yahushua is now translated 'Joshua' into English. 'Hesus' did not become became 'Jesus' in English until after 1630, because there was no 'J' in any language until the 9th century and was not in the English language until around 1630. Even the 1st King James version in 1611 spelled his name 'Iesus'.

    So 'Hesus Krishna' became translated to 'Iesous Christos' in Greek and then eventually to 'Jesus Christ' in English. 1st century believers were called 'Messianics'... not 'Christians'. Look it up!

    So the research shows that Yahushua is the true name of God's Son.... the only name with which we might get saved! If you call on the wrong person you will not be saved... PERIOD! If you call on 'Jesus Christ'... you are calling on a false, pagan, demonic God from Satan, the one who transforms himself into an 'Angel of light' to fool people.

    Don't be a fool by being fooled... the name 'Jesus Christ' is total pagan blasphemy!

    As far as believing the Watchtower society, 'Do not put your trust in nobles or the son of earthly man to whom no salvation belongs'. Do not be a Pharisaical fool by being a 'follower of men'!

    Do your research... The internet is Yahu'ah's way of fulfilling the prophecy found at Daniel 12:4. Finding real spiritual truth is imperative for those that want to 'worship the Father with spirit and truth' because 'He is looking for those ones'. His Son went on to declare that all who want to worship the Father must worship Him in 'spirit and truth' as he stated at John 4:23-24.

    1. You quote Psalms 146:3 Do not put your trust in nobles or the son of earthly man

      You know this Psalm was read to the Isrealites to not trust Princes (nobles) or earthling man, but the Israelites still got the direction from the Levites and Prophets, servants of Jehovah (men).

      So if you believe anyone is doing what Gods will is, is it wrong to take on what they say or is isolation the best route for a relationship with God by understanding his will?

      A big portion of Paul's letters is about togetherness in the faith, organization in the congregations, and following the lead the older men

      1 Timothy 5:17

      Let the older men who preside in a fine way be reckoned worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in SPEAKING and TEACHING.

    2. Psalm 146:3 applies to all human leaders. Look it up in the 'Insight' book or check other translations.
      1 Timothy 5:17 applies to the 1st century 'older men' who taught the truth. It doesn't apply to those who do not!

      I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I am not disfellowshipped and never have been, but I obviously don't associate with them anymore. It is mandatory that we 'worship the Father in spirit and truth'. That is whom the Father is looking for... He is not looking for 'followers of men' who listen to 'stories' falsely called knowledge' and 'teachings of demons'. Make sure of all things and hold to what is true.

      I do believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are 'God's people' but they are still in the 'midst of Babylon' as it states in Revelation and will be until the start of the final 3.5 years, or 42 months or 1335 days. In Revelation, the angel states to 'my people' 'get out of the midst of Babylon the Great'. In 1919 or whatever phony year the Witchtower made up, they were not even God's people! Their name 'Jehovah's Witnesses' was not even used until 1931 and they did not become a 'spiritual nation' until 1935!

      The scriptures also state that the 'Judgment starts first with the House of God' which will be at the beginning of the Great Tribulation.... not at the end like the 'Witchtower' wickedly states. The slave is deceiving God's people so that some will be stumbled when the prophecy is correctly fulfilled. Will you be stumbled?

      God's people were warned about being misled, which they are in many other matters as well. Yahushua warned the 'slave' not to become wicked or he would punish them with severity. They have ignored that warning completely.

      It will all be straightened out soon. Right now I am one of Yahu'ah's Witnesses. If you have any brains left after all of the 'brainwashing' done by the 'Witchtower' you will be too!

    3. to = kevinb191421 October 2013 12:22

      ..the debate on pronouncing the name of almighty will end only at Christ millinium reign. sooo many other issues will be resolved too, including your name and batsheba's .
      mean while= make sure you are with us there in the millinium = by obrying almighty's rules . so which religion or belief are you now into ? no wars, no politics, one god and etc...

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    1. You have just copy and paste this from this video, or are you the creator of this video?

    2. I did not create the video. I copied and pasted all of the links. I do not know the person who created any of the youtube videos or webpage links.

      I actually do not agree with his conclusions about God's name, which I believe is Yahu'ah, although it could be spelled slightly differently, such as Yah'oo'ah because there are three syllable in the Tetragrammaton.

      The W in English is pronounced with the Hebrew sound 'oo'. Since Satan mocks God's name in many ways (a 'yahoo' is a 'rude, noisy, violent person'), I do not want to spell His name that way. Which is why I prefer to spell it Yahu'ah.

      I actually just included the link after looking up youtube videos about the new New World Translation Bible. I am going to delete the 2nd link because he makes too any incorrect statements and false conclusions. Yahweh is another blasphemous and slanderous mistranslation and is totally false.

      I have a lot more research that I put together (with links) that I can send you if you want.

      Why do you ask?

    3. to = kevinb191418 October 2013 10:11

      my email is
      what is your religion or belief now ? or are you making a new one , leaving the prophecies ?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. In 1969, the Watchtower published a reference book called "Aid to Bible Understanding." On pages 884 and 885 they explain that the Jews used to insert the vowels of "Adonai" into the Tetragrammaton "YHWH" to remember to say Lord (Adonai) instead of God's name while reading the sacred texts. In the year 1270 a Catholic Dominican Spanish monk by the name of Raymundus Martin published a book called "Pugeo Fidei" in which he wrote the latinized form of "Yehowah"(sic) as "Jehovah". He was the first to do so.

    Today, the Watchtower will only tell you part of the facts. In other words that Jehovah is a mistake.

    The Watchtower realized the implications of revealing this information and eventually replaced "Aid to Bible understanding" by another work called "Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 1 & 2," © 1988 in which they removed that entire explanation.

    The mention of the book is not available on the Watchtower CD Rom when searching for Raymundus Martini. Therefore, Jehovah's witnesses continue to believe the lie that Jehovah is really God's name and the explanation that Jehovah is the English rendering of Yahu'ah.

    In truth, Jehovah is a LATINIZED satanic mistranslation concocted to slander the Almighty. Satan knew full well what 'hovah' meant and wickedly used it to mock the Creator's name.

    If Jehovah's witnesses knew this, their entire religion would fall apart since they have believed in a false name for God since 1931 and give witness to that false name wherever they go.

    The conclusions that the creator of the video below are incorrect. His Watchtower research is good but stating that the combining of the 'modified use of the vowel points' from Adonai and Elohim and the supposed combining of two HEBREW WORDS INTO ONE ARE NONSENSE.

    Our God is One and His name is One! Yahweh is a false, blasphemous mistranslation meaning 'Moon God', 'Goat God of Gad' or 'Jupiter God'. The Tetragrammaton has three syllables, not two. Yahweh is not only slanderous, but is grammatically incorrect!

    1. What evidence do you have that shows " Yahu'ah" is God's name in English ? I don't want to hear your straw man's argument ! Most of what you say is like a scare crow in the cornfield. From a distance it looks real,but close up it's just a lot of fake stuffing.

    2. You imbecile, do you even know what a 'straw man's argument' is? A 'straw man's argument' is when a person replaces the original subject with one of his own and then proceeds to refute his own new false argument, instead of the original one. How did I do that?

      Did you even watch the youtube videos or read any of my previous posts about the subject? All of the evidence for the correct pronunciation of God's name is found there. You do not have any legitimate research by any credible source to prove your slanderous, satanic mis-translation of God's name.

      'God is not one to be mocked'! Do you want Yah to 'turn you over to the devil to be taught by discipline not to blaspheme' His name? (1 Tim1:20)

    3. Are you talking about the video by Mr screwed "the watchtower does not want you to see this video-the name Jehovah is false" ? If it is,you will see that the comment box is disabled.Why ??? because I'm the one that made him disable it because I proved his dumb ass video wrong on every point,pal HA HA HA
      So he didn't want to lose face on there by me showing how wrong his information is ,pal!

    4. Ok enough Ad hominems on each other. Let get down to Scripture and the Hebrew language pal !
      How do you come to your conclusion that God's name is Yahu'ah ?

  16. Replies
    1. Hi bud how you doing? Great to hear from you!

    2. Siiiiiiiiicpaxsheechpaw! let me know if you like the update on my blog?

    3. I love the quotations from Nehemia Gordons book. I like the part about Hovah Logic HA HA HA :-D
      Very good updates. This Kevinb is jumping around like a demon with his pants on fire lol. I think Kevin should look in the mirror and recognize who the real clown is ! djelc I have come across more scholarly evidence in favor of God's name. I'm not finished reading it yet but will get back to you later friend :-)

  17. This Kevinb1914 does not know what he is talking about. God's name is JEHOVAH!

    1. Siic!! That video is great. Amazing when he found that hidden vowel in the codex. Keep sending me these gems I'm loving the extra evidence. You the man

    2. I don't know what I am talking about??? I shared the research that I have done on God's true name from real Hebrew scholars. Have you done any research yourself??

      Je-hovah is a blasphemous, slanderous, made-up mistranslation. Did you watch or read anything I posted above???

      This self-proclaimed Hebrew scholar in the video states that God's name is made up of three verbs "He Who Was, He Who Is, and He Who Will Be" then goes on to suggest that might prove that God is a Trinity!

      I have never heard this before and I can't believe you would consider anything that comes from a clown like this guy! Look at this post from below the Youtube video. He has more common sense and knowledge than the guy in the video!

      Lashon HaBrith
      11 months ago

      "I am ecstatic that you have uncovered the truth of the cover up of the name. Although there is a play on the words Ahayah asher Ahayah and HaYah hu HaWAH (reduced to YA-hu-WAH through a series of linguistic bleeding rules), the name of the Creator is only partially derived from the "To Be" verb.

      So many names end in -yahu (Mattithyahu, Yeshayahu, Yermeyahu, for example) i see no reason for the -yahu suffix to become a Yeho- prefix. Maybe the o was an intentional error."

    3. That was for siicpax yea? Because I didn't say "you don't know" so I will let him answer you!

      Regarding the self-proclaimed Hebrew scholar.....huh....he has degrees, he is a scholar, he speaks and writes fluent Hebrew!!

      He proof read the dead sea scrolls and the oldest surviving Hebrew texts that out date every evidence we both have. He was searching for the name in Hebrew and found it many times.

      I trust someone that speaks Hebrew and studies it and isn't bias, when they say it's stupid to associate hovah with yeho-vah.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Yes, I clicked the reply to the siicpax's post but it can be applied to you as well. The post below on March 4th applies to both of you.

      You both do exactly what the Witchtower does...

      "The Watchtower organization is made up of a mass of errors, false doctrines, blunders, deceptions, paganism, etc and to keep this mass of falsehoods they must keep on manipulating the statements of past documents and scholars and search on for liberal and misinformed thinkers to support their views."

      Like them, you have searched for 'liberal and misinformed thinkers to support your mistaken views'. There are many other Hebrew scholars that I have pointed out in previous posts who break down the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton.

      Real Hebrew scholars state that the pronunciation of the English transliteration 'YHWH' is pronounced 'y' for the "Y', 'ah' for the "H", 'oo' for the "W", and 'ah' for the final "H". The 'clown wannabe' Hebrew 'scholar' did not break down the pronunciation of each Hebrew letter in the Tetragrammaton, but instead engaged in subterfuge and misdirection by bringing up 'vowel points'.

      He incorrectly states that vowel points are needed to understand how to pronounce Hebrew words. That is a blatantly false incorrect statement! Having consonants and vowels are not needed in Hebrew because vowel sounds and consonant sounds are incorporated into the Hebrew characters. Vowels and consonants are needed in English, and other alphabets, to distinguish between the different sounds that make up words in those languages.

      That is not the case with Hebrew. There are neither consonants or vowels in Hebrew! There are only the Hebrew 'characters' in the Hebrew language, which are neither vowels nor a consonants. Consonants and vowels are for alphanumeric alphabets like English.

      If you looked at some of the links in my posts above, translators have equated all Hebrew letters with an English consonant. Vowels are not used. Only consonants are used when 'transliterating' from Hebrew to English, but the translators do show that the 'pronunciation' of the individual Hebrew characters includes both English vowels and consonants when transliterating from Hebrew to English... as can be seen in the Tetragrammaton.

      'Vowel points' are really not needed, other than possibly for proper sense stress when transliterating to other languages, which is why they are not included in the original Hebrew text.

      "In the year 1270 a Dominican Spanish monk by the name of Raymundus Martin published a book called "Pugeo Fidei" in which he wrote the latinized form of "Yehowah" as "Jehovah". He was the first to do so."

      So this false name Je-hovah was created centuries after the scriptures were completed and well after the dead sea scrolls were written. Despite the fact that he is either badly misled or a demonic deceiver, the Hebrew wannabe scholar does use 'Yah' as the first part of God's name! Yet you and slipax insist on Je-hovah??? Huh???

      Both of you jackasses love the part that agrees with your erroneous, false, slanderous belief, but yet ignore the other part which proves that Je-hovah is wrong!

      You are both blasphemous, satanic, lying frauds!!!

    6. I did not know or have heard that before what you say...
      That is not the case with Hebrew. There are neither consonants or vowels in Hebrew! There are only the Hebrew 'characters' in the Hebrew language, which are neither vowels nor a consonants. Consonants and vowels are for alphanumeric alphabets like English.

      Interesting. I will do some research. Also can we just talk about the hovah of jehovah not religion thanks.

    7. Ok, but Je-hovah's Witlesses are the only religion that blasphemes both the Father and Son! Most Bible based believers only blaspheme the Son (using 'Jesus' which comes from 'Hesus', the demonic demon God of the satanic Druids).

      If you realize that this issue of God's name is part of the fulfillment of Daniel 11:32 and Isaiah 66:5, and that Yahushua taught that God's name is to be 'sanctified at Matthew 6:9, then you would realize how important it is to 'get out of Babylon my people' and quit blaspheming His name.

      Je-hovah's Witlesses are unknowingly and unwittingly slandering the Most High! I used to do the same thing... before I found out all this information on the internet where Daniel 12:4 is being fulfilled.

      The anointed are the main ones that make up 'God's people' as the Messiah's brothers, but others with the earthly hope that join themselves to them also have to 'get out of Babylon' as well. There will be a literal voice in mid-heaven that all on the earth will be able to hear at the start of the Great Tribulation to 'Get out of Babylon', but why wait if the truth is now being revealed thru the internet?

      I have stopped unknowingly blaspheming... you should do the same!

    8. to = kevinb19146 March 2014 15:15
      if jws are satanic and blasphemous= it will be the almighty to contemplate. only jws are trying very best to uphold and show works on almighty's rules, perfect afterwards = ok, you know the perfect pronunciation , will you be spared from destruction , as how those stiff necked perfect vocalist on moses's days ?
      but the almighty has blessed the jws , can you survive hitler's kill ? if jws are not constrained = will be more than any population in universe = coming soon !

  18. The Watchtower does NOT want you to see this video - The name Jehovah is FALSE!

    "In 1969, the Watchtower published a reference book called "Aid to Bible Understanding." On pages 884 and 885 they explain that the Jews used to insert the vowels of "Adonai" into the Tetragrammaton "YHWH" to remember to say Lord (Adonai) instead of God's name while reading the sacred texts.

    The two words put together read: "Yehowah." In the year 1270 a Dominican Spanish monk by the name of Raymundus Martin published a book called "Pugeo Fidei" in which he wrote in the latinized form of "Yehowah" as "Jehovah". He was the first to do so."

    "Jehovah's witnesses are stuck yet again with another doctrinal blunder. They cannot go back on the name so they must fight it out like 607 B.C.

    The Watchtower organization is made up of a mass of errors, false doctrines, blunders, deceptions, paganism, etc and to keep this mass of falsehoods they must keep on manipulating the statements of past documents and scholars and search on for liberal and misinformed thinkers to support their views."

    1. Kevinb you still don't know what your talking about.Get rid of your preconceived ideas and stop being proud of what you think is right and start putting your faith in evidence instead of credulity. :-)

    2. Your statement "Jews used to insert the vowels of "Adonai" into the Tetragrammaton "YHWH" to remember to say Lord (Adonai) instead of God's name while reading the sacred texts." and your other statement " The two words put together read: "Yehowah." are simply NOT TRUE ! Show me the evidence from the manuscripts ?

    3. I don't know what I'm talking about... based on what??? It seems that you can't read and comprehend words, but if you could, you would have read that I used to believe 'Je-hovah' was God's name... until I did some totally un-biased research. So what preconceived ideas do I have, retard?

      Unlike you, my proof is based on well researched evidence. Your Babylonish false beliefs are based upon 'misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, who conscience's are marked as with a branding iron'. (1 Tim 4)

      I have no preconceived ideas like you do and I'm not 'proud of being right'. You lie and slander, just like your 'Father the Devil'.

      If you would have looked at the description below the youtube video from where those comments came from, you would have realized that I was only copying the video originator's comment taken from the Witchtower reference book 'Aid to Bible Understanding', pages 884 and 885, about how the "Jews used to insert the vowels of 'Adonai' into the Tetragrammaton "YHWH" to remember to say Lord (Adonai)..."

      This is what the Witchtower published in 1969... not me, you dingbat! That's why the 'quotations' are used there! You don't understand how or why quotations are used? How old are you?

      Did you read my October 18th post? Or are you unable to read and remember words?
      "The conclusions that the creator of the video below are incorrect. His Watchtower research is good but stating that the combining of the 'modified use of the vowel points' from Adonai and Elohim and the supposed combining of two HEBREW WORDS INTO ONE ARE NONSENSE. Our God is One and His name is One!"

      YHWH cannot in any way, shape, or form be transliterated Jehovah! The Witchtower itself doesn't even try to hide their lie by using JHVH for the TETRAGRAMMATON! They admit it is YHWH!

      Yahu'ah, is the only true God, you Witch-towerite! Quit trying to 'prove yourself right' and found out what is right!

    4. Hey loser ! I'm not a JW ok.I said " you don't know what your talking about " You say " based on what??? ". I'm saying, based on your crappy research pal ! The origins of the name Jehovah and Yehovah have nothing to do with JW's or the watchtower.These translations of God's name have everything to do with the Hebrew language, idiot ! Who the hell do you think you are saying Nehemia Gordon is a clown!!! Let me see hmmm If you went to Jerusalem and asked to examine and translate the Dead Sea scrolls,The curators would ask about your qualifications and after you telling them.And they find out your some wannabe bible thumper clown.They would kick your sorry ass out and throw in Jail.
      That is were your weeping and gnashing of your teeth will be pal. On the other hand,they would welcome Nehemia Gordon with open arms and say no problem Mr Gordon your a highly qualified Jewish Hebrew Scholar.Go ahead and translate,please. If you want a debate about God's name pal! bring it on loser!

    5. Kevinb1914b.... The name that you are using for Jehovah's name I have never heard of. Look! Looking for faults you will find them, every organization has faults, why do you say that the JW are wrong? No matter what you say or do! They have the backing of God Jehovah, there is no other organization out there doing what they are doing, they have God's backing, that's why they do what they do! I don't see you going out and doing what they do. Or any other organization. Humm! I wonder why? Even the Pope said that only the witnesses do this witnessing work world wide, they must have the backing of their God. Even the bloodless operations, we are leading the world in this field and that's been documented. Plus they are the only ones that have Jehovah's name in the Bible, all other religions have omitted his name out of their bibles. Why? Didn't Jehovah himself say"I will make my name known to all mankind before the end comes!" Because how else are these governments and religions going to know who is destroying them? He had warned them only through what the witness work that is going on until today.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hey moron, it appears that you were either raised as a Witness or study/studied with them, but never got baptized, or did get baptized, but then got disfellowshipped. So now you claim that you are not one? Only Je-hovah's Witlesses proclaim that God's name is 'Je-hovah'. No other religion does, and you defend them in various other subjects as well, so why are you hiding who you are, pal?

      You are ignorant as to God's name and you have no research to back up your false belief, other than one self-proclaimed Hebrew scholar, Nehemia Gordon. One does not have to be a Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek scholar to 'learn from the Father'. The 1st century Pharisees claimed that one had to have a title from some worldly religious institution to speak about God... are you a 21st century Pharisee???

      People only need to have a desire to 'worship the Father with spirit and truth'. You have neither 'spirit nor truth' when it comes to His name, and neither does Nehemia Gordon! (John 6:45)

      'Yahu'shua stated that 'the world loves their own'. So saying that this wannabee Hebrew scholar, Nehemia Gordon will be accepted into worldly institutions means absolutely nothing to the Creator. I've pointed out the research in my previous posts... but you somehow stick with 'Jehovah'?

      This Nehemia Gordon clown claims that YHWH is made of "He Who Was, He Who Is, and He Who Will Be" then goes on to say that it might prove that God is a Trinity! Huh... what??? I've never read anyone else state that... it seems he just makes things up or repeats whatever his father the devil puts in his head.

      He also thinks that the Jews are still God's people, even though most Jews still reject His Son as the Messiah! He has no clue as to the real 'Israel of God' (Gal 6:15, Rom 9:6-8, Rom 2:29) and never mentions Yahu'shua (or even Jesus) so it appears he is not even a Messianic (or Christian) believer. And yet you quote his so called research as gospel. What??? You are truly lost, pal!

  20. Satan is always trying to mock God and he loves it when idiot humans do as well. Did you read Isaiah 66:5? I know you are not very bright, but what do you think that it means that 'brothers' are excluded because of His name? Do you think it applies to Christendumb? The ones in Christendumb are not 'brothers'... get it or are you a little slow to comprehend basic Bible truths?

    The one Youtube video showed that the Watchtower correctly pointed out that 'Jehovah' came from a Catholic Dominican monk who 'Latinized' the name incorrectly (the Witchtower now hides this fact).

    (1 Timothy 1:20) "Hy·me·nae′us and Alexander are among these... I have handed them over to Satan so that they may be taught by discipline not to blaspheme".

    The scripture shows that it is very serious to blaspheme the Most High, either intentionally or unintentionally. Others can read your twisted research and blaspheme HIS name as well.

    You admit that there was no J letter, and you admit that there was a Y letter centuries ago when the false name 'Jehovah' was created by Satan thru his Catholic servant. So if there was the original Y letter in use, there was no need to change the Y to a I letter (or a J) to substitute in place of the Y. NONE whatsoever... it was a slanderous, blasphemous trick that you yourself apparently are falling for.

    The 1st letter of the Tetragrammaton is Yod in the Hebrew language. It is represented by the letter Y in English... not I or J. The 2nd and 4th letters are now represented by H and the third letter is W. So the Tetragrammaton is represented in English as YHWH. Also, I previously mentioned, the Y was already in use in English, so there was no need to change the Y to i when translating to English (and then later to j) and there still isn't any need to.

    To pronounce God's name correctly, we 'sound' out the letters of the pure Tetragrammaton, the four (4) Hebrew letters, Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey. The 'sound' produced will be similar in all languages.

    The English letter Y represents the Hebrew letter/character 'Yod' and in Hebrew, it is pronounced just like English speaking people pronounce their 'Y'; the H in English represents the Hebrew letter/character 'Hey' and is pronounced 'ah'; the W in English represents the third Hebrew letter/character 'Waw' and is pronounced 'oo' or 'uu' ('W' in English is really UU - but was changed to a new singular letter 'W'), and again the H is pronounced 'ah'.

    So the proper pronunciation of the 4 Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton is Y-ah-u-ah (or Yah'oo'ah as there are three syllable in the Tetragrammaton).

    The W in English is pronounced with the Hebrew sound 'oo'. Since Satan mocks God's name in many ways (a 'yahoo' is a 'rude, noisy, violent person'), I do not want to spell His name that way. Which is why I prefer to spell it Yahu'ah, which is spelled differently but pronounced the same. Sounding out letters determines how to pronounce and spell God's name in any language. Depending on the alphabet, the spelling might obviously be different.

    But if the spelling and pronunciation is satanically inspired to blaspheme and mock the Creator... that is a serious problem! 'Jehovah' is a LATINIZED satanic mistranslation concocted to slander the Almighty. Satan knew full well what 'hovah' meant and wickedly used it to mock the Creator's name.

    This is not simply an 'academic' discussion that is to be frivolously debated. "Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked..." (Gal 6:7)

    You are slandering God, pal, and mocking His name just like the devil constantly does, when you use 'Je-hovah' as the Father's name!

    1. Kevinb, You seem to not understand that all the different languages of the world do not have all the same sound in every language. If you ask a Japanese person to say the English word Love,They can't pronounce the English L sound.They would say " I rove you " or Germans can't say the English W sound. They would say in English " vhat are you doing or Vhere are you going ".
      There is an interesting account in the bible in the book of Acts 2:4-11, where the Christian congregation started speaking in tongues by mean of God's spirit. In verse 5 and 6, it says " As it was,there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews,Reverent men,from EVERY NATION of those under heaven".vs.6 "So,when this sound occurred,the multitude came together and were bewildered,because each one heard them speaking in his own language."
      In verses 7 to 11 the account names about 16 different nationalities.Veres 8 says " And yet how is it we are HEARING,each one of us,his own language in which we were born?"
      Verse 11 says "...we hear them speaking in our tongues about the magnificent things of God." If modern English and all the other languages of our present time were spoken 2,000 years ago,we would be hearing words like Jesus,Jehovah, From these ones speaking in tongues. 

  21. You still do not seem to understand that Yahu'ah and Je-hovah are not the same name in different languages. Not even close!

    1st of all, a personal name is the same in all languages... the word 'love' that you used is not a personal name.
    Words are translated, personal names are transliterated! My name is Kevin in any language spoken, regardless of the alphabet of that language. When I introduce myself and state my name to someone who does not speak English (or does not use English as their first language), I do not change the pronunciation or spelling of my name to fit that person's language.

    Again, personal names are usually not translated, they are transliterated. Having an accent or using a language that makes it difficult to sound out a name phonetically in that language does not mean that one has to translate that name into another language. People will use the personal name in the language of the person to whom they are speaking and pronounce it as close as possible to that original language.

    If a Spanish speaking person states that his name is 'Juan', are you going to call him 'John' because that is how the translated name in English is spelled and pronounced? If French speaking person introduces himself as 'Pierre', are you going to call him 'Peter'? Maybe if you want to insult him, but that would not be proper etiquette nor would it be grammatically correct. It is a personal name, not a word!

    Je-hovah is not even close to Yahu'ah grammatically or phonetically speaking. In fact, it is impossible to derive 'Je-hovah' from the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) in English, or any other language.

    When the son of Nun and Moses' general, Yahu'shua, is re-created, he will be introduced as 'Yahu'shua', and everyone will call him by that name.... not 'Joshua' or any form of 'Joshua' that people currently use.

    It won't matter what language Yahu'ah gives all of us at that time, we will all pronounce his name Yahu'shua, regardless of how it is spelled in the one 'pure language' that we will all speak.

    1. Your wrong about your theory on saying Hebrew names in another language! The Christians didn't have a problem writing Jesus name in the Greek language did they ? It's written in strongs concordance #2424 " Iésous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr.
      Original Word: Ἰησοῦς, οῦ, ὁ
      Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
      Transliteration: Iésous
      Phonetic Spelling: (ee-ay-sooce')
      Short Definition: Jesus "
      No where in the Hebrew scriptures in any prophecy does it say the messiah will be named "Yahushua or Joshua.But it does say at Matt 1:25 IN GREEK the messiah will be called " Ἰησοῦς / Iésous " pronounced " ee-ay-sooce ". If you don't except this! I guess you do not believe in the in the Christian Greek Scriptures do you ! The Christians wrote and translated the new testament from Hebrew according to some historical sources like the book of Matthew.Then the whole bible was translated into other languages like Latin,Coptic and syriac languages. And Jesus name was also translated and spoken according to their individual spellings and pronunciations in those languages.
      In English,God's name is JEHOVAH and in Hebrew God's name is YEHOVAH. I will trust a Hebrew Scholar who is an expert in language rather then trust some unknow spelling by some guy who thinks he has God's spirit. I didn't fall of the turnip truck yesterday ok!

    2. Kevinb,You wouldn't even know about Jesus if It weren't for the Greek manuscripts.And yet you deny his name in Greek! wake up pal and stop being misled by some yahuah yahushua cult. I will pray for you to see the light.

    3. The original Greek manuscripts could not have had 'Jesus' in them because the name had not been made up yet! It came from 'Hesus', the false demon god of the Druids, and was one-half of the dual demon god created by Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE. The Greek manuscripts of the 'New Testament' that most Bible translators now use come from after the 4th century.

      So neither Hesus nor Jesus could not, and would not, have been used in the 1st century by Bible writers... or any Bible believers. Do some etymology of those two names!

      Strong's ridiculously states that Iesous is Jesus or Joshua. Which is it??? The made-up names of 'Jesus' and 'Joshua' are the spelling of names in the English language. So Strong is admitting that the name for Moses' general, the son of Nun, is the same name as the Messiah's!

      One name cannot somehow have two different English names! When you transliterate a name from one language to another language that has a different alphabet, it does not matter what language it originated. The name will be the same phonetically, even it is spelled slightly different due to the different alphabets. Does Noah or Abraham or Moses have one spelling of their name that comes from Hebrew and another spelling that comes from Greek? Of course not!

      Does Strong's make sense, even to someone like you? It is absurd and totally illogical. Strong's is completely wrong!

      I got the facts, and only facts, from my research. I do not have any 'theories', and I'm not in any cult. I do not associate with any religion, as they are all part of Babylon the Great and all are controlled by Luciferians. This includes 'God's people', who will be audibly instructed by an angel flying in mid-heaven at the appointed time to 'get out of Babylon' (Rev. 17).

      Due to my research, I have already gotten out. Are you one of God's people? Then you had better leave your false beliefs that come from Babylon the Great or you 'will suffer part of her plagues'!

      Do complete research, like I have done, and do not rely on one or two sources to try to prove a Babylonish false belief.

      You are completely deluded. My question is why??? Are you trying to become one of Je-hovah's Witlesses or are you trying to get re-instated back into that Pharisaical cult or what?

    4. I think you're the one that is delusional ! The one thing I always disliked about fanatical people like you is you call everyone who disagrees with you names,trying to elevate yourself and demonize them.You remind me of that Pharisee in Jesus illustration at Luke 18:9-14. On the other hand I know I'm no saint ! I don't claim to have God's spirit.All I'm trying to Do is understand the scriptures to the evidence I find and come to some conclusions. And if new evidence surfaces that point to a clearer understanding of History ans scripture then I will have to change or adjust my conclusions.
      But you haven't given me any reason to put trust in your so-called research. You don't even give references for your claims ! All you babel about is things like the name Jesus came from Hesus ,the false demon god of the Druids.But you don't explain the connection to your claim and the reasons why with concrete evidence ! And So far the website you posted are crap! ok

      But going back the Greek translation from Hebrew to the name Jesus,I can at least give you some reference of why Jesus name in Greek can be translated to it's Greek form.
      Some people want to impugn (and malign) the name “Jesus” as being of pagan origin, ignorantly claiming that it is related to “Zeus” (Ζεύς), even though Zeus comes from the Phoenician idol called Baal Tzephon (בַּעַל צְפן), but it is clear that Jesus (or rather Ἰησοῦς) was derived from the Hebrew name Yehoshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ), and that this fact is irrefutably attested by the Greek Septuagint (i.e., the ancient Greek translation of the Torah dating from the 3rd century BC). But as for the name YAHshua, on the other hand, there is simply no manuscript evidence whatsoever. Moreover, from the name Yehoshua (and Yeshua) no linguistic connection can be made to the theomorphic name YAH.

    5. You wrote:
      "... but it is clear that Jesus (or rather Ἰησοῦς) was derived from the Hebrew name Yehoshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ), and that this fact is irrefutably attested by the Greek Septuagint (i.e., the ancient Greek translation of the Torah dating from the 3rd century BC)."

      So your own research shows that 'Yehoshua' (sic) is the Hebrew name for the Messiah, but yet you criticize Yahu'shua? You can't be serious! How can you possibly agree with an erroneous website that claims that 'Jesus', which is an English spelling, supposedly comes from 'Yehoshua', which is also an English spelling? They are two completely different names!

      As I stated in my last post, one name cannot somehow have two different English spellings, supposedly depending on which language it is being transliterated from. When you transliterate a name from one language to another language, even one that has a different alphabet, it does not matter from which language the name originated. The name will be the same phonetically, even it is spelled or pronounced slightly differently, due to differing alphabets.

      Does Noah or Abraham or Moses have one spelling of their name in English that comes from Hebrew and another spelling in English that comes from Greek? Of course not!

      So why would God's Son have two different English names, spelled completely different with totally different meanings, supposedly because one comes from Hebrew and one from Greek??? Yahu'shua and Jesus are both English spellings! It doesn't matter if a name was originally in Chinese, Farsi, Egyptian hieroglyphics, or any other language. When you translate it into English, it will have one English spelling. Get it?

      Yah'shua is the Aramaic version of the Son's name, which I have never mentioned on this blog, but is what those that speak the Aramaic language use. It is a shortened version of the Son's name and literally means 'Yah salvation' or 'Yah saves' rather than 'Yah is salvation' which is the definition of the Hebrew version of his name.

      Yah is the shortened version of God's name. 'Hallelujah' means 'Praise Yah, you people', not 'Praise Ye, you people', so Yeshua is an incorrect spelling. There are 137 names in the Hebrew scriptures that use a portion of God's name within their own name. Do you realize that the Son had his Father's name within him (compare Ex 23:21-23)? Also, the current PM of Israel is Benjamin Netanyahu, who also has the first portion of God's name within his name. Wake up, you obstinate spiritual fraud!

    6. As far as research, I said 'do your own'. I did mine and a simple search of "The name Jesus Christ comes from Hesus Krishna" produced numerous websites. The first website on the search sums it up pretty well:

      "To involve British factions, he ruled that the name of the great Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Saviour-god, Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and thus Hesus Krishna would be the official name of the new Roman god. A vote was taken and it was with a majority show of hands (161 votes to 157) that both divinities became one God. Following longstanding heathen custom, Constantine used the official gathering and the Roman apotheosis decree to legally deify two deities as one, and did so by democratic consent. A new god was proclaimed and "officially" ratified by Constantine (Acta Concilii Nicaeni, 1618). That purely political act of deification effectively and legally placed Hesus and Krishna among the Roman gods as one individual composite. That abstraction lent Earthly existence to amalgamated doctrines for the Empire's new religion; and because there was no letter "J" in alphabets until around the ninth century, the name subsequently evolved into "Jesus Christ".

      You are inadvertently mocking God's Son, just like Satan constantly does, when you use 'Jesus'. You are also inadvertently mocking God Himself by using 'Je-hovah' and you are misleading people who read your posts.

      Why do you state that I claim that 'I have God's spirit'. Obviously I pray for God's spirit, but I never stated 'I have God's spirit' here or on any other post as the basis for my research and information. Also, being zealous is not being fanatical. You are the one fanatically trying to prove yourself right, rather than zealously finding out what is right.

      You are like the Pharisees who lied and 'twisted the scriptures to their own destruction'... because they were 'from their father the Devil' who was a liar and a slanderer. Do not be like him or them, or you will suffer the same fate!

    7. You're trying to avoid the obvious When you said "Does Noah or Abraham or Moses have one spelling of their name in English that comes from Hebrew and another spelling in English that comes from Greek? Of course not! " That's not the point ! The point is Hebrew names like Abraham can change when translated into another language with different spelling and pronunciation.
      Take the name Abraham,In Hebrew there are the Consonants or as you call them characters A,B,R,H and M. Or Aleph, Behth,Rehsh,Hey, and Final Mem. First of all the Aleph is not pronounced because it's silent ! a Vowel mark is used called "pa'thach" it looks like a small line - under the Aleph.This Pa-thach has the A sound as in Father.Then you have Behth = H and Rehsh = R. Now this is where things change! You now have Hey = H. In Hebrew they pronounce the H sound but in Greek there is NO " H " or H sound. Then you have the "Final Mem " So in ancient Koine Greek AbraHam was translated as Abraam. So you have a different spelling and a different pronunciation because of the H has no equivalent in Greek. This also tell us that there was no Sh sound in Greek.

      So words like "Yehoshua" or your goofy version " Yahu'shua " could NOT be translated letter for letter,Pronunciation for Pronunciation. So as I said before, You Kevinb DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING ABOUT pal. If Hebrew names can change form,from Hebrew to Greek,then Greek to Latin to English.
      What you said is Bullshit " When you transliterate a name from one language to another language, even one that has a different alphabet, it does not matter from which language the name originated. The name will be the same phonetically, even it is spelled or pronounced slightly differently, due to differing alphabets." I don't buy your weird reasoning pal :)

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I made a mistake in my last post. I meant to say Behth = B,not" Behth = H ". I thought I better correct this before Kevinb goes on a rant about how he thinks I'm a Imbecile,Retard and a moron. You know Kevinb like to degrade others because he probably thinks it makes him superior to everyone.

    10. I think Kevinb thinks he is the Messiah! Kevinb you are caught up about names. We are living in modern day English. Like the "Y and the "J. So in today's language you wouldn't say Yohn you say John. You wouldn't pronounce George like Yeorge. That is modern English we speak today. The only time it changes is the European translation. I am Greek and John in that case is spelt YIANNI and George is spelt Yeorgo. So in modern day the name of God Is spelt Jehovah in the Greek language we call him IYahova.

    11. Get it! You are tired up so much in the meaning of God's name you have lost it. The same goes for Jesus. We call him Isous Yristos which in the modern language is JESUS CHRIST. What's the problem? Why can't you understand simple languages. You can't go around talking to English speaking people and pronouncing God's and Jesus names in the European way, they wouldn't understand you. C'Mon. And about the Witnesses are the only religion that goes and preach the word of God. Name me one religious group that does that in such a big way world wide. I have been reading all you slanderous talks. And I find you only pick only parts of the Bible and just a few scriptures that suit you. The witnesses are the only religion that users God's name Jehovah, IYahova..... were all other religions take the name out of their Bibles. Cotholic priest didn't want the comman man to learn the Bible they wanted to laud it over the poorer uneducated poeple, that's how they wanted it. But the way Tyndall translated the Bible in modern English and he said every one should have a Bible to learn the Scriptures that made the priests irate and put him to death by burning him on the stake and burning the Bible. That's why the biggest church Cotholism still until this day don't use Jehovah's name. They have omitted it out of their bibles. Oh by the way! That's not to say that they don't know God's name! They do! But they choose not to use it. They say they blasphem of they do! Please! Is that why Jehovah says, they will have to know that my name is Jehovah, that they ( unrighteous) will know it will be I that will bring destruction upon the wicked. That's why he says! Get out of her my people! Get out of Babylon The Great! The harlot cause her sins have massed right up to heaven. And also you talk about the Watchtower, this is an a magazine that directs people to the Bible. There is no hidden messages or pagan propaganda in it. This is a guide which helps people to learn about the Bible. Yeah! Imperfect men wrote it, but all roads lead to Rome! All the messages lead to the Bible, nothing else. So what because imperfect men wrote the Bible you ain't going to read it or believe in it? NO! It's like buying a tv a car a microwave oven they all come with directions if you use them your life will be easier if you say I don't need those directions I know better, that's when you get into trouble. We all need aids, and that's why the witnesses have those books and watchtower and awake. To help people understand the ENTIRE Bible not bits of it here and there like you are to suit yourselves and make youselves feel good. Instead of living in the past, you would do yourselves a favor to live in the future. Because Jehovah's day is coming no matter what past research you are doing and getting yourselves all bogged up in Satan's blinded ways. HE actually loves yous! He has yous where he wants you. That's why he is after the witnesses, why don't you do research on the ww1 and ww2 and going further back on how Satan tried to annihilate God's people but he didn't succeed. But Jehovah will ( Gen 3:15) now don't tell me you don't know that scripture? Yep! That scripture has been fullfilled upon Jesus's death. But remember he was resurrected and is awaiting in the heavens with his father. Now that's in the Bible. But soon Satan's head wound is coming and all those who follow him and that will be a permanent death. So all these things like trying to prove Who God's name is! And what it means! And the watch tower having hidden messages, and imperfect men wrote the Bible and ago the aids! Is all blowing in the wind! Means nothing! You all love the kill to prove the witnesses wrong but no matter how much you try it's like the dogs returning to its vomit.sorry! But it's true!

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    15. I found the posts above from the other day where you stated that 'I think I am the Messiah'? I would still be laughing... if it wasn't so satanically stupid.

      One of the ways to distinguish between an intelligent person and a stupid fool is by whether that person accepts or rejects truth and conversely accepts or rejects lies.

      You and your fellow Witchtowerites are all pharisaical followers of men... in the 'midst of Babylon'. The Almighty YAH'UAH states that 'God's people are to get out of Babylon'. I guess you are not one of God's people! (Rev 18:4)

      His Son also stated that we are to 'sanctify' His Father's name. Those who blaspheme God will be 'handed over to Satan to be disciplined'. Je-Hovah is a slanderous, blasphemous, satanically inspired, false name for the Creator. Do you want to be disciplined by your Father the Devil? (1 Timothy 1:20)

      Active and practicing Witlesses are all 'disciples' of the 'Dungtower' with it's false teachings and it's wicked and demonic 'sigil magic' images embedded within the pictures in the Witchtower publications. You are not disciples of God's Son YAH'USHA! (Dan 11:32)

      The Witlesses are the revival of the 1st century Pharisees, disguised as believers of the Word of God. They are NOT the revival of the 1st century followers of the Messiah! (John 8:44)

      You state that Witlesses preach the Word of God, but so do other false religions and they are all satanically controlled by the 'Synagogue of Satan' Jesuit Jews... just like the Witchtower is. They all teach man-made satanic lies and 'teachings of demons'. (Matthew 15:9) (1 Timothy 4:1)

      Keep going to your 'Kingdom Hall of Osiris' meetings to be judged by the other pharisaical hypocrites. The name for the building where you hold your cult meetings probably comes from the satanic Masons, who use a Masonic Hall for their meetings.

      The Masons probably got the name from Egyptian mythology, which the 1st president of the Witchtower, Charles Russell, was deeply into!

      Russell was reportedly an honorary high level, Freemason and secretly belonged to the Knights Templar order of York Rite Freemasonry, which at the top levels, worship Lucifer as their Christ and God. All top level Freemasons, in all rites and orders, are anti-Christ's that oppose the true Messiah YAH'USHA, the Son of God, who understand that 'Jehovah' comes from 'Jehovah Ja-Bul-On', another name for Satan the Devil!

      (see pics on pages 1 and 174 and the following excerpt from page 186 from the book "Satanic Voices")

      "This then is the true origin of Jehovah Ja- Bul- On...

      "Jehovah Ja - Bul - On is quite definitely the devil in disguise, and this name when invoked in Masonic Royal Arch rituals and elsewhere, calls forth the 'Compelling force of Gehenum or Hell', which compels its adherents to do evil."

      "The first clue came from Rev T.K. Cheyne, Fellow of Balliol College, who said: "The form Jehovah is unhesitatingly to be rejected due to a misunderstanding of comparatively modern origin."

      The Witlesses do have among them 'true anointed'... who are NOT the ones taking the lead. The 'false anointed' are 'governing' and misleading them as 'wicked masters of your faith'. (2 Cor 1:24) (Matthew 24:48-51)

      (Matthew 24:24 page 69 of the Greek to English interlinear Diaglott by Benjamin Wilson)

      The 'judgement begins with the House of God'. Will you be judged as a wicked, satanic blasphemer? (1 Peter 4:17)

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  24. 2nd of all, most personal names have meaning. My name has a meaning. Your name probably has a meaning. If someone started calling me 'Krishna', the false Eastern mystical demon God, instead of Kevin, do you think I would accept that? If your name is David and people stated calling you 'Dagon', the Fish God, would that be acceptable to you?

    If not, then why would you think calling the Creator by a different name, other than His own, would be acceptable? A name that essentially means 'ruin, disaster, and calamity caused by mischief and trickery'? His name, Yahu'ah, means 'He that causes to be' or 'He that causes to exist'. That is not even close to what Je-hovah means. So claiming that 'Je-hovah' is the Creator's name is slanderous blasphemy!

    Calling His Son 'Jesus', which comes from 'Hesus', the false demon God of the Celtic Druids, is also slanderous blasphemy. Mary named God's Son Yahu'shua, which means 'Yah is salvation'. Constantine was the one who indirectly caused the Son's name to be changed to 'Hesus' in Latin in the 300's CE and Raymundis Martini directly changed the Creator's name to 'Iehova' in Latin in the 1200's CE. That is how 'Jesus' and ''Jehovah' were eventually derived into English!

    In the 1st century, followers of the Messiah were called 'Messianics'. They could not be called 'Christians' because that word did not exist in any language until sometime after the council of Nicaea in the 4th century!

    'Je-hovah' and 'Jesus' are not grammatically, phonetically, doctrinally or scripturally correct. Not in any way shape or form are they even close.

    Right now the Creator and His Son are humble enough to allow this travesty to continue to fulfill Bible prophecy (Is. 66:5) (Mt 24: 9) and to test out his worshippers to find out who truly wants to 'worship the Father with spirit and truth' and who is simply a Pharisaical 'follower of men'. When the true anointed take over the true preaching and teaching ('the Two Witnesses' - Rev 11:3 and 'those with insight' - Daniel 11:33), then everyone will be corrected and everything will be revealed at that time... and that time is coming!

    Then all of the true believers will all be singing 'Halleluyah'... which means 'Praise Yah, you people' (not 'Praise Je', you dope!) So if you are trying to follow and please men by defending their indefensible lies, you are, as Yahu'shua would say 'much mistaken'!

    Satan has already used mischief and trickery to fool people as to God's true name. In the end, those that call on that slanderous, blasphemous, Satanically inspired false name will get exactly what that name means ... 'disaster, calamity and ruin'!

    I know some people are 'hard of hearing', most of the time thru no fault of their own. But when a person is 'hard of thinking'... that is usually their own fault!

    Do not be a 'hard of thinking', hard-headed fool! Quit trying to 'prove yourself right' and focus on getting it right!

    1. Kevinb How would you spell and pronounce this Hebrew word " הוה " using your ( consonant / vowel ) formula based on the Hebrew characters ? And please explain the sounds of each character used in this Hebrew word.

    2. Oh my! Kevinb1914b you are really frustrating! Who says that the witnesses file man? They follow Jehovah and Jesus! They follow the Scriptures! You take any Bible in the world apart from the Koran and much it up with the new modern language Bible that the witnesses use word by word out leads to the same story, but the only things is the old bibles talk with the thys and thees! We don't speak like that any more, they have the modern scriptures, picky one thing that differs is that God's name is omitted from some bibles, of you are lucky to find a very old Bible you will find JEHOVAH'S name written in them.

    3. The Name of the Most High and His Son are the two most important names in the universe. We are to sanctify the Father's Name and put His Son's Name above all others on earth.

      YAH'UAH is paying attention to those thinking upon His name. Their true names are not to be dismissed or taken lightly because of some blasphemous, slanderous, satanically inspired false teaching on the pronunciation and spelling of their names by the Witchtower. (Malachi 3:16-18)

      The Almighty Father is looking for His people to 'worship Him with spirit and truth', not to be pharisical followers of men. We are to be like the Bereans who 'carefully examined the scriptures to see if what they were being taught was true'. We are commanded to 'make sure of all things', especially with something as important as His and His Son's true Names.

      If you read my previous posts, and looked up the websites and the youtube videos, and also did your own research... outside of what your pharisaical cult falsely teaches you, you will find all the information that you need about the true names of God and His Son.

      The wicked Witchtower took out the truth that was published in 1968 in the old 'Aid to Bible Understanding' book when they published the 'Insight' book to replace it in 1984. That truth was that a Catholic Dominican monk by the name of Raymundus Martini was the first one to use the make-believe false name of God... 'Je-Hovah'. They are hypocrites who teach lies. (1 Tim 4:2)

      Martini made up the false name in the 13th century under inspiration of his father the Devil... hundreds and hundreds of years after the Bible was written. The English language was around well before Martini made up the slanderous, blasphemous 'Je-Hovah' name for God... and that false name was never used in any language before he made it up.

      'Hovah' literally means 'one who causes ruin and disaster by trickery and deceit'. Does that sound like an appropriate definition and meaning for the Name of the Most High? Je-Hovah is actually another name for the Devil himself, you clown!

      The Witlesses are NOT doing the will of God, they are doing the will of their father the Devil. They teach misleading and satanically inspired doctrines of demons and spread their spiritual poison worldwide thru their demon- inspired publications.

      The sigil magic hidden images allows demons to posses their literature, so that the demons can get into the homes of spiritual ones, including the true anointed! Their false teachings put people to sleep spiritually speaking and their falsehoods become 'strongly entrenched' even in the hearts and minds of righteously inclined spiritual people. (2 Cor 10:4)

      This is one of the ways that the soon-to-be 'apostates' are 'acting wickedly against the covenent'. (Dan 11:32)

      You may 'have a zeal for God', but it is not 'according to accurate knowledge'. There are many, many more false teachings I could tell you, but if you will not accept the true Names of the Father and Son, why should I expose any more of the Witchtower lies? (Romans 10:2)

      You have rejected the most important, critical and crucial things in this world... God and His Son's true Names. I have pointed this out in this blog, but you are totally clueless and without God's spirit.

      You need to pray for YAH's 'spirit of truth', or you will 'suffer some plagues' with all of the world's Babylonish false believers, including those loyal to the wicked Witchtower! (John 14:16,17) (Rev 18:4)

  25. It's time to expose kevinb's faulty reasoning and translating of YHVH or as Kevinb claims YHWH.

    As Nehemia Gordon stated in his book " the rather silly claim that Yehovah יהוה comes from the Hebrew word HOVAH הוה meaning “disaster.” As I have explained in the past, this would be like saying that the word “assume” comes from the English words “ass,” “you,” and “me.” I call this “Hovah-logic,” which is defined as “knowing just enough Hebrew to be a disaster to yourself and others.”

    Nehemia Gordon's statement about " Hovah-logic applies to Kevinb and his goofy translation of YHWH rendered " Yahu'ah " I'm going to call Kevinb's reasoning " ahu'ah-logic " Why would I say this ? Because Kevinb is using a double standard when it comes to the Hebrew word " הוה " in Isaiah 47:11 according Strongs Concordance, הוָֹה Lexical number H1943
    Transliteration = hovah
    Meaning = Misfortune, calamity, adversity.

    Kevinb agrees with this translation and applies this to the name Jehovah or Yehovah claiming that this what hovah means " Which I find really strange because if we were to use Kevinb's translation formula on the Hebrew word in Isaiah 47:11 " הוה " it would transliterate " ahu-ah " Because Kevinb said to me,
    " the H in English represents the Hebrew letter/character 'Hey' and is pronounced 'ah'; the W in English represents the third Hebrew letter/character 'Waw' and is pronounced 'oo' or 'uu' ('W' in English is really UU - but was changed to a new singular letter 'W'), and again the H is pronounced 'ah'."
    Kevinb also said to me " the Tetragrammaton is Y-ah-u-ah (or Yah'oo'ah " Kevinb's formula would also apply to that Hebrew word " הוה / disaster " in Isaiah 47:11. Basically Kevinb is shooting himself in the foot because " ah-u-ah or ah"oo"ah would also mean " Misfortune, calamity, adversity. or disaster " .
    You can't have it both ways Kevinb. You CAN'T BE SAYING the vowel points in " HOVAH " are correct but they are not correct in YHWH. So which is it Kevinb ? are the vowel points correct or your goofy translation of YHWH.
    According to how one looks at it with Hovah-logic or your ahuah-logic YEHOVAH and Yahuah would still mean disaster HA HA HA HA I nailed you Kevinb to the wall on this one. It's time you go home pal,because you still DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT !!!

  26. Yoooo ! Kevinb you said " I know some people are 'hard of hearing', most of the time thru no fault of their own. But when a person is 'hard of thinking'... that is usually their own fault!

    Do not be a 'hard of thinking', hard-headed fool! Quit trying to 'prove yourself right' and focus on getting it right! "

    So Kevinb, are you hard of hearing ? hard of thinking ? So Kevinb we can all see that you are the Imbecile,Retard and a moron when it comes to your ahu'ah-logic. Wake up pal! LOL :-D

  27. This is probably my last post to someone as stupid as yourself. You don't even know what phonetics are or even what transliteration means!

    There wasn't a 'v' sound in the ancient Hebrew Tetragrammaton. The third letter of the Tetragrammaton, 'Waw', had an 'oo' or 'uu' sound and the fourth letter 'Hey' has an 'ah' sound! So 'Je-hovah' (or Yehovah or Yahovah) is not possible from the ancient Hebrew text!

    Someone (ie: the Devil) had the ancient Hebrew letter 'Waw' changed to 'Vav' in modern Hebrew and the sound from 'oo' to a ''v''. The Devil changed the pronunciation so that it would match with the Hebrew letter/symbol used in the word 'hovah' which means 'disaster' or 'ruin'. (He also had the first Hebrew letter of the Tetragrammaton changed from 'Yod' to 'Jod' and the sound from 'Yeh' to 'Jeh').

    Why would he do this? To hide and slander God's name! The Devil knew full well that God's name would come to mean 'One who brings disaster, ruin and calamity (by means of trickery, mischief and deceit)', rather than 'one who causes to be' or 'one who causes to exist'.

    This webpage speak about the false research of your beloved Nehemia Gordon, a misled Karaite Jew:

    Within the following webpage it states "The Babylonians called one who worshipped Yahuwah, a YAHOO. The fallen one is crafty as he seduces the world through ignorance...". You are doing the same thing, you Babylonish birdbrain!

    These webpages break down the original Hebrew letters of the Son's name Yahu'shua and show how it cannot possibly be 'Jesus':

    You are from your father the Devil in the midst of Babylon the Great and are spiritually lost, pal!

  28. I can see Kevinb from,hopefully your last post that your ass is still hurting from my last two post HA HA HA :-D
    Lets assume you are right about the name " Y-ah-u-ah or Yah'oo'ah " You would still have to translate the Hebrew word " Misfortune, calamity, adversity. or disaster " in Isaiah 47:11 as " (ah-u-ah) or (ah"oo"ah) " because the tetragrammaton has the last 3 characters as the word " הוה / disaster ". And if you are going to claim that this word is still related to the characters YHWH your YAHUAH would also mean DISASTER !

    I like seeing you squirm in your desperate attempt to grasp at straws by saying " Someone (ie: the Devil) had the ancient Hebrew letter 'Waw' changed to 'Vav' in modern Hebrew and the sound from 'oo' to a ''v''. The Devil changed the pronunciation " I'm Laughing my ass off because we've all heard that one before!! THE DEVIL DID IT !!!! Do you know how looney tune you sound,pal ?
    Did you see the Devil do it ? Kevin LOL :-D

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    3. I stated that the letter and symbol were changed! BOTH were changed (from 'Waw' to Vav'). The new modern Hebrew letter/symbol also changed the pronunciation of that letter. I listed several websites... did you read any of them?

      Notice how this website uses the same Hebrew symbol for the third Hebrew letter of the Tetragrammaton and in the word 'hovah' (middle letter of 'hovah'). An (almost) upside down 'L' is used in both (or an upside down backwards 'J').

      "YAHUWAH fits all the Hebrew Grammar Rules!"

      From further research below, the ancient Biblical Hebrew letter/character 'Waw' (with an 'oo' sound for the third letter of the Tetragrammaton) became 'Vav' with a 'v' sound. Because of this, the manuscripts that the translators of the Bible now use have the same Hebrew letter within the word 'hovah' as they do within the Tetragrammaton.

      The manuscripts that the translators of the Bible now use have the new modern Hebrew 'Vav' with a ''v' sound for the third letter This eliminates the 'u' or 'oo' sound from within the modern Hebrew Tetragrammaton. Changing the letter, symbol and pronunciation should logically change the name of God to 'Yahvah'.

      So in both the ancient Biblical Hebrew and even in modern Hebrew, 'Je-hovah' is grammatically impossible!

      •"Some Hebrew consonants sound alike in Modern Hebrew. In those cases where you are unsure which letter to use, follow these guidelines:
      For a “v” sound, always use Vav and never Vet. Note that if the Vav would likely be mistaken for a vowel, use Yod."

      Similar Sounding Letters
      In modern Hebrew phonetics, the following letters make similar sounds:
      Phonetically Similar (Vet and Vav)

      So it seems that 'Vet' and 'Waw' in ancient Biblical Hebrew have both been replaced in modern Hebrew by the ''v' sound of 'Vav'. Why do something like this? The ancient Biblical Hebrew already had a 'v' sound in 'Vet'. 'Waw' did not need to be replaced by 'Vav' to give modern Hebrew a 'v' sound either. So why change both Waw and Vav to a new letter with a 'v' sound that the ancient Hebrew already had in its vocabulary? It doesn't make sense!

      So why did it happen?

      So that Satan could match 'hovah' to the Tetragrammaton in pronunciation and meaning! Originally in ancient Hebrew, the word 'hovah' probably used 'Vet' for its middle letter with its 'v' sound. By adding 'Vav' to replace 'Waw' and 'Vet' in modern Hebrew, the pronunciation of 'hovah' would still remain the same, while the pronunciation of the last two syllables of the Tetragrammaton would be changed to 'hovah'. The meaning of the Tetragrammaton would then be changed to what Satan wanted to slander the Father's name: 'disaster, ruin, calamity' rather than what His name really means 'One who causes to exist'!

      Changing Hebrew letters is obviously a wicked trick concocted by Satan. We should not be 'ignorant of the designs of the Devil'! (2 Cor 2:11)

      You asked "Did I see the Devil do it"... are you stupid? Are you even a 'believer' in God or His word??? Can you, or any human, see what the Devil is doing today, yesterday or any other day? Do you even believe that the Devil exists?

      If you think you are a 'believer', you need to pray for God's spirit, because it is obvious that you don't have any! Proverbs 18:2, John 14:17

    4. Do you even understand the concept of sarcasm ? Why do you think I asked you if you saw the devil do it ?
      If you think I was serious about you seeing the Devil do it,you are as deluded as they come pal !
      The problem with you is your unrealistic reasoning on scripture and reality.Do you even know what planet your on ?
      I could show you a 100% truth with evidence to back it up. And all your going to is say the DEVIL changed it! Wake up and stop fabricating things in your mind. And there you go deleting your April 7th post so people will not read your screwed up reasoning.
      Are you an Expert in the Hebrew language ? Can you even read Hebrew fluently.I don't think so !
      Like I said before, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT !

    5. It doesn't matter if you transliterate and translate the Tetragrammaton to read Yabadabado or Yokono or even Bob's my uncle! You would still have to translate that Hebrew word Disaster the same way without the letter Y.
      like I said before " You can't have it both ways Kevinb. You CAN'T BE SAYING the vowel points in " HOVAH " are correct but they are not correct in YHWH. So which is it Kevinb ? are the vowel points correct or your goofy translation of YHWH. "

  30. Are you sure the Devil did it ? maybe the tooth ferry did it LOL or the easter bunny did it,Or maybe bigfoot did it ! LOL
    And you think I'm deluded ! No wonder I can't reason with you ! It's useless debating with crazy people :-D

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  31. You obviously cannot read or comprehend or understand words, even if they're in English!

    I pointed out the difference between ancient Biblical Hebrew, the language from which the original scriptural text was inspired, and modern Hebrew manuscripts which translators now use to produce our current Bibles. There were no vowel points in the original scriptural text... vowel points are only used in the more modern Hebrew language.

    Besides, vowel points have nothing to do with the research from my last post. I stated, and showed from some websites, that the actual 'letters' in Hebrew were added/changed. Vowel points have nothing to do with (1) changing the Waw letter with an 'oo' sound in ancient Biblical Hebrew to a newer letter, Vav, with a 'v' sound and (2) virtually replacing the original 'v' sound found in the in the ancient Biblical Hebrew letter Vet with the newer modern Hebrew letter Vav..

    I have listed several websites in my numerous posts... were you able to understand any of them? I do not think that you have the mental capacity to comprehend them, but with Yah's spirit, you might be able to. But without Yahu'ah's spirit, forget it!

    I deleted the April 7th post because this blog only allows 4096 characters per post and, as I stated in the April 9th post, "From further research", I was able to clarify exactly what I had originally stated, along with additional websites. Because I could not fit everything from the April 7th post along with my 'further research', I deleted some redundant information so that I could include that 'further research'.

    There was no change to my scriptural, factual and historical reasoning, only 'further research'. Get it now?

    As far as being 'sarcastic', were you being sarcastic when you wrote this post?
    You wrote: "Are you sure the Devil did it ?... And you think I'm deluded ! No wonder I can't reason with you ! It's useless debating with crazy people :-D"

    I'm 'deluded' and 'crazy' for thinking that the Devil, which literally means 'slanderer', would actually try to slander the Creator by changing Hebrew letters in both His name and another Hebrew word so that they would match in order to denigrate His name? And you think that I'm deluded and crazy?

    No pal, you are truly deluded or as Yahu'ah's Son Yahu'shua would say... 'you are much mistaken'!

  32. Just to humor myself I will check out those websites you posted. but I bet you they are full of holes and crappy research. How do you know what the correct pronunciation is ? you were not there! I'm going by the evidence that is out there pal !

  33. I just checked out those two websites
    " and
    What a joke that was ! The first one has the name Jehovah with a speaker Icon and when you click on it,It says "Adonai " but yet it has the phonetic spelling " Yeh-ho-vaw " That is twisted and misleading pal!
    Strong's Number: 3068
    Original Word Word Origin
    hwhy from (01961)
    Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
    Y@hovah TWOT - 484a
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    yeh-ho-vaw' Proper Name
    Jehovah = "the existing One"
    the proper name of the one true God
    unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136

    Strong's Number: 3068
    Original Word Word Origin
    hwhy from (01961)
    Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
    Y@hovah TWOT - 484a
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    Strong's Number: 3068
    Original Word Word Origin
    hwhy from (01961)
    Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
    Y@hovah TWOT - 484a
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    yeh-ho-vaw' Proper Name
    Jehovah = "the existing One"
    the proper name of the one true God
    unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136' Proper Name
    Jehovah = "the existing One"
    the proper name of the one true God
    unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136

    But on the same website under " Hovah " When you click on the speaker Icon it says " Ho-vaw " just like the Phonitic spelling beside it/

    " Strong's Number: 01943
    Original Word Word Origin
    hwh another form for (01942)
    Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
    Hovah TWOT - 483c
    Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
    ho-vaw' Noun Feminine
    ruin, disaster."

    This website is a disaster and misleading, No wonder your info is ass backwards This is a Joke it has no credibility! Just like you Kevin,you lost your credibility !

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. The only thing I was pointing out from those two websites was that the Hebrew letter/symbol was the same for 'hovah' and as well as the Tetragrammaton, you moron, ... nothing else! Nice try pal!

    I wrote: "Notice how this website uses the same Hebrew symbol for the third Hebrew letter of the Tetragrammaton and in the word 'hovah' (middle letter of 'hovah'). An (almost) upside down 'L' is used in both (or an upside down backwards 'J')."

    The rest of the websites that I posted show how to pronounce God's name. In your ignorant stupidity, you don't even realize that both 'hovah' and the modern Hebrew Tetragrammaton use 'Vav' with the 'v' sound are used as a consonant! So 'vowel points' are irrelevant. It is a consonant, you clueless clown!

    It appears that you do not even know what a vowel is compared to a consonant! And I have no credibility? You are a joke! Did you even graduate from high school?

    Quit trying to play games to prove yourself right by picking only selected webpages and then making up nonsense as to what I was actually pointing out.

    Anyone can read my posts and look up all of the websites and see that you are a liar! Who do you think you're fooling, you fool?

  36. Anyone can read your posts !!! Thats a joke ! yah right ! You keep on deleting your posts when you are proven wrong HA HA HA So far I have counted 23 posts that you have deleted. What's the matter ? trying to hide how dumb you are ? :-D

  37. Any deleted posts were to eliminate typos and grammar mistakes, you dingbat! Since you get all updates to the log... LIKE I DO, you have all of my deleted posts. So why are you lying???


    Here is even more truth:

    Facts About the Sacred Name...

    'SHRINE OF THE BOOK' museum in Jerusalem:

    Why Yahu'ah Should Not Include a 'W'...


    Yahu'ah Created Letters - Comparison of Modern Hebrew and Original

    "Hebrew scholars seem to agree that the Sacred Name was originally "Yahuah" or "Yahu" in shortened form. This is also seen in the names of kings and prophets in Hebrew pre-exilic history. Below are a few examples of scholarly comments on this:"

    Yahu'ah's music:

    1. Kevin. I have seen you try and try here but you have done your bit. Ahba YAHUAH will not ask of you anymore for these peoples souls. Be berechah and shalom with all and no longer spk to any as if they can not hear what you,myself and a remnant of others are hearing, compared to the population then it is because the Father does not hear them and is not calling them as it is clear that their own pride and exaltation is doing so! If after the imformation they have been given and persist to do nothing then this is upto them. I had the call to, to come out of her and be ye separate. He has set you apart my friend yet as scripture states it is a remnant that will escape the deception and delusion that the Father Himself Has poured out and it is only HIM who saves and gets them out,He opens the ears of whom He chooses! Much love In Him Our King YAHUSHUA BROTHER! Regards PARADISE ISRAEL.

    2. Kevin. I have seen you try and try here but you have done your bit. Ahba YAHUAH will not ask of you anymore for these peoples souls. Be berechah and shalom with all and no longer spk to any as if they can not hear what you,myself and a remnant of others are hearing, compared to the population then it is because the Father does not hear them and is not calling them as it is clear that their own pride and exaltation is doing so! If after the imformation they have been given and persist to do nothing then this is upto them. I had the call to, to come out of her and be ye separate. He has set you apart my friend yet as scripture states it is a remnant that will escape the deception and delusion that the Father Himself Has poured out and it is only HIM who saves and gets them out,He opens the ears of whom He chooses! Much love In Him Our King YAHUSHUA BROTHER! Regards PARADISE ISRAEL.

  38. Kevinb You go on and on about how Yahuah is the correct translation and pronunciation of God;s name ( יהוה ). How do you know this is the correct translation ? And if this is the correct translation,how would you translate ( הוה ) in Isaiah 47:11 ?
    I have asked you to translate this before,but you avoid my request like the plague. I think you are afraid to translate this Hebrew word character by character because you know you are totally full of shit and don't want to be proved wrong.
    Look pal ! I will even make it easier for you.If you are to afraid to translate this word ( הוה ) in Isaiah 47:11 then translate this Hebrew word ( שאול ) using your so called expert Hebrew knowledge of characters,character by character.
    If you refuse! then don't come back here because you STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT PAL !

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hey pal, do you know how to read, think and comprehend? This is now the third time that I have posted the following:

    "I pointed out the difference between ancient Biblical Hebrew, the language from which the original scriptural text was inspired, and modern Hebrew manuscripts which translators now use to produce our current Bibles."

    "I stated, and showed from some websites, that the actual 'letters' in Hebrew were added/changed. Vowel points have nothing to do with (1) changing the Waw letter with an 'oo' sound in ancient Biblical Hebrew to a newer letter, Vav, with a 'v' sound and (2) virtually replacing the original 'v' sound found in the in the ancient Biblical Hebrew letter Vet with the newer modern Hebrew letter Vav."

    In modern Hebrew, Isiah 47:11 now uses the three modern Hebrew letters Hey, Vav, Hey which is illogically pronounced 'hovah' in English but means 'calamity, ruin, disaster'. In ancient Biblical Hebrew, it was Hey, Vet, Hey but still meant 'calamity, ruin, disaster' in ancient times.

    But it is illogical and grammatically incorrect to transliterate that word as 'hovah' because 'Hey' is pronounced 'ah'. So Hey, Vav, Hey should be transliterated in English from modern Hebrew as 'ahvah'... not 'hovah'!

    Even in modern Hebrew, the Tetragrammaton becomes Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey... which should be literally transliterated 'Yah'vah'. This is not what the Tetragrammaton was in ancient Biblical Hebrew and is also incorrect.

    In ancient Biblical Hebrew, the Tetragrammaton originally was Yod, Hey, Waw, Hey... (not Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey) and is correctly pronounced Yahu'ah or Yah'oo'ah... which means 'He that causes to exist'.

    But instead, when the Catholic, Dominican, Luciferian monk Raymundus Martini replaced 'Yah' with 'Je' in Latin, he also changed the last part of God's name to 'hovah' because his father, the Devil, had changed letters in modern Hebrew and the pronunciation of הוה to 'hovah'. The modern Tetragrammaton was also changed to match 'hovah' by having the same three modern Hebrew letters ( הוה ) (Hey, Vav, Hey) within it.

    God's name then blasphemously became the mis-transliterated 'Je-hovah'... meaning 'He that causes calamity, ruin and disaster'!

    The 'hovah' used for calamity, ruin, disaster in Isaiah 47:11 is phonetically incorrect and so is the matching pronunciation of the last part of the modern Hebrew Tetragrammaton.

    So it is not only ludicrous, but it is grammatically incorrect and completely nonsensical and is NOT how the original ancient Biblical Hebrew Tetragrammaton was, and still is, to be transliterated!

    So do you now realize that both the word for calamity, disaster, ruin ('hovah')... as well as the Tetragrammaton have both been completely 'bastardized' in modern Hebrew and are completely nonsensical and grammatically incongruent with ancient Biblical Hebrew?

    How and why did this change occur? There is only one reason to do this... to hide and slander the Almighty's NAME!


  41. I don't care how you dice it and slice it.If you look at the oldest manuscript of Isaiah 47:11 in the dead sea scrolls online. The Hebrew word (disaster) is spelled with the same three characters HVH or HWH as Gods name. You would still have to transliterate ( הוה ) in Isaiah 47:11 as ( ahu'ah ) So your Yahu'ah would still mean disaster according to your logic. And don't give me that dumb upside down J theory of yours.
    And I don't believe that the 6th letter in the Hebrew Alphabet is WAW because symbol W is a German invention and Germans pronounce their W's with a V sound. The W sound comes from the Arabic pronunciation.So W is a bastardisation of the German symbol W and fused together with a Arabic pronunciation. W is not Hebrew that is why Jews in Israel pronounce it as VAV not Waw.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. As I have already stated in previous posts and cited in various websites, Waw is the English SPELLING of the NAME of the ancient Biblical Hebrew LETTER... not how one PRONOUNCES the Hebrew letter within a Hebrew word, you nitwit!

    Waw is pronounced "oo' or 'uu' within a Hebrew WORD... which is NOT how one pronounces the name of the LETTER 'Waw'.

    The W and A in 'Waw' are an English transliteration of the name of the Hebrew letter. Waw is the spelling in English using English letters because Hebrew obviously does not have the same alphabet as English.

    As far as the W, it originally was a 'double u' or 'uu'. The W, as it is currently written, is actually a 'double v' or 'vv'. Another illogical and confusing example of a grammatical bastardization of a language... this time of the English language!

    The upside down looking J (or L) is not a theory, you clown, it is a Hebrew letter. Waw, pronounced 'oo', was replaced and is now Vav, pronounced as a 'v'. No logic or reason why is given. Vet was the ancient Hebrew letter for the 'v' sound, but that also has been replaced by Vav for the 'v' sound. Again, no logic or reason given.

    So the 'hovah' in Isaiah 47:11 used to be ah'v'ah in ancient Biblical Hebrew, but to match the 'Je-hovah' bastardization of God's name, it was changed to the grammatically illogical 'hovah'.

    You can't see that if הוה uses the same Hebrew letter in the first and third letter, then 'hovah' is a ridiculous mistranslation?

    The first and third letters are both 'Hey', which should be pronounced 'ah'. So why is it ho'v'ah? Either the 'ho' is wrong or the 'ah' is wrong. The letter is not pronounced differently. They are the same Hebrew letter! You can't see that???

    The 'ho' is the wrong pronunciation of the Hebrew letter 'hey. The 'ho' was taken from the 'hovah' part of the bastardized version of God's name to match sounds with the bastardized version of the Hebrew word for disaster.

    So now the 'hovah' portion of Je-hovah, and the modern Hebrew word for disaster are spelled alike and sound alike.

    In ancient Biblical Hebrew, the three letters for both did not originally match, and neither did their sound. In ancient Biblical Hebrew, God's name was spelled yod, hey, waw, hey, pronounced "Yahu'ah". The word for disaster in Isaiah 47:11 in the ancient Biblical was spelled hey, vet, hey, pronounced "ah'vah".

    In modern Hebrew Bible manuscripts, God's name is now spelled with the same last three modern Hebrew letters hey,vav,hey as the three letters for the word 'disaster' in Isaiah 47:11 hey, vav, hey.

    I cited all the websites showing ancient Hebrew letters and modern ones. Did you look at any of them?

    I think you should give it up here guy. You obviously know nothing and understand even less, and you can't remember or comprehend anything, even it is posted numerous times!

    But you would make a good candidate and spokesman for the Devil and his New World Order that will be blaspheming God's name in the very near future! (Rev 13:6, Rev 16:9)

  44. I think you should start reading your bible rightside up instead of upside down and you will see there is no such thing as an upside down J,Idiot!!!!

  45. The Hebrew letter Vav as a Matres lectionis has three sounds. first sound of ( vav / ו ) is the " V " sound. The second sound is of ( vav / וֹ ) with a dot on the top indicates a " O " sound preceding the vav. Now this is where it becomes interesting. The third sound of ( vav / וּ ) with a dot called a shuruk or dagesh on middle left side of the vav makes the " oo' sound Kevinb is talking about when he says in his April 1/2014/ time 10:21, post " the W in English represents the third Hebrew letter/character 'Waw' and is pronounced 'oo' or 'uu' ('W' in English is really UU - but was changed to a new singular letter 'W'),". Half of what Kevinb says is true about the " oo " sound,but he mislead us by NOT telling us that the letter vov only has the " oo " sound when there is the dot or shuruk or dagesh on the middle left side of the VAV. If we zoom in and look in the oldest manuscripts with vowel points at God's name at Gen 4:15 ( YEHOVAH / יְהוָ֗ה ) We can see CLEARLY the letter " yod " then the vowel "sheva" which are the two vertical dots. Then we have the letter " Hey " with the H sound. And then comes " VAV ",and if you zoom in on " VAV " you will clearly see a dot on top of " VAV " indicating the vowel point " O " pronounced "O" between the " Hey " and the " Vav ". Take note that there is NO Shuruk or DOT on the middle left side of the " Vav " in any Hebrew manuscript that makes the " oo " sound in God's name. Kevinb doesn't believe in vowel points but he makes an exception when it comes to the FALSE NAME Yahu'ah or Yah'oo'ah. Nowhere in any Hebrew manuscript is God's name pointed with a shuruk or dot in the middle left side of VAV making the "oo" sound as Kevinb claims.

    Kevinb !!! I'm going to ask you again to translate this Hebrew word ( שאול ) without using vowel points. And after you translate it,give us the definition or meaning of this word ( שאול ) ?
    If you can't or wont do this,then take a flying jump out of this web site pal and don't come back you IDIOT! LOL :)

  46. You obviously cannot read or comprehend or understand words, even if they're in English, let alone Hebrew! Translate this Hebrew word: בּוּשׁ

    If you yourself can't read Hebrew, why are you asking me about some irrelevant Hebrew word that you can't even read yourself on your own?

    Quit trying to find irrelevant Hebrew words that have nothing to do with God's name or His Son's name, and that you yourself can't read!

    I already pointed out what the correct transliteration should be, as well as the incorrect transliteration for the Hebrew letters הוה. I pointed out that it should be transliterated 'ah'vah, but has been deliberately twisted to 'hovah' meaning disaster, ruin, calamity.

    The truth about God's name is what this blog is all about, so if you don't like the truth, go find somewhere else to promote your slanderous, demonic lies!

    Also, I never said anything about vowels points, you satanic liar! Did you send your beloved fraud Nehemia Gordon an email with false information about what I had previously posted?

    It appears obvious to me that someone else's word's were included in the last post of yours. It wasn't all your words. Why are you sending lying quotes about what I stated and then taking that person's bogus answer and pretending it is your own?

    Psalms 26:1

    4 I do not associate with deceitful men, And I avoid those who hide what they are.*

    Or “I do not mingle with hypocrites.”

    Vowels points have nothing to do with God's name that is found in ancient Biblical Hebrew, you liar!

    As I previously posted, more than once:

    I pointed out the difference between ancient Biblical Hebrew, the language from which the original scriptural text was inspired, and modern Hebrew manuscripts which translators now use to produce our current Bibles.

    There were no vowel points in the original scriptural text... vowel points are only used in the more modern Hebrew language.

    Besides, vowel points have nothing to do with the research from my last post. I stated, and showed from some websites, that the actual 'letters' in Hebrew were added/changed.

    Vowel points have nothing to do with (1) changing the Waw letter with an 'oo' sound in ancient Biblical Hebrew to a newer letter, Vav, with a 'v' sound and (2) virtually replacing the original 'v' sound found in the in the ancient Biblical Hebrew letter Vet with the newer modern Hebrew letter Vav..

    Not only did the Jews change the waw (W) to vav (V), but in recent times have also changed the Hebrew B to V as well. Therefore, Abraham becomes Avraham, and Yacob becomes Yacov, Tel Abib becomes Tel Aviv, and everyone gets confused. Did we really need two v's in Modern Hebrew?

    Also, tell your beloved Nehemia Gordon to watch this video and the website below and then get back to me, you deceitful fraud!

    'SHRINE OF THE BOOK' museum in Jerusalem:

    Ancient Hebrew names that include God's true name within them:


  47. Hay Pal take a pill before you blow a blood vessel in that head of yours !!!! Bla bla bla bla that's what you sound like when I read your posts pal LOL :)
    I'm asking you to translate this word ( שאול ) to show you that vowel points are very important in translating Hebrew.
    This word is one example of why you have to use vowel points when translating.
    And btw you don't have the truth and you will be proven wrong pal ! Jehovah is God's name in English and Yehovah is God's name in Hebrew.
    What blows about your retarded reasoning is you think you have the correct pronunciation and understanding of biblical Hebrew.Do you have a recording of ancient Hebrew ? NO YOU DON'T PAL!!! and neither do I or anyone else.All we have is ancient manuscripts to go by.Hebrew was a dead language for 1800 years and was only revitalized about a hundred years ago. If it weren't for Vowel points Hebrew would have been lost for ever.They added vowel points to preserve the language you IDIOT !!! Your translating sucks bigtime ok !!! i would like to see you come out with your own translation of the bible because you would get your ass kicked so bad by bible scholars you wouldn't be able to ever sit again loser. You really think you know more than a real scholar ? Well your out to lunch pal !!! If you think i'm going to let you bullshit everyone,think again pal!!! Vowel point were not written in the old Hebrew but they were spoken orally and handed down generation by generation.during that 1800 year period of Hebrew not being spoken in the vernacular scribes kept the language alive by adding vowel points. Yes you Idiot those are all my own words except the quoted bullshit from you pal!!!.

  48. That Hebrew word you posted is roughly transliterated " Bush / boosh / בּוּשׁ " because you first have the letter Beth with the dot on the inside makes a B sound. Then you have the letter vav with the dot on the middle left side which makes the U sound or "oo" sound. Then you have the letter Sin with the dot on the top right side of sin.This makes the sh sound. The meaning of this word is ashamed.
    Why did you choose a word with vowel points ?

  49. Once again, you are a deceiver! All modern Hebrew words now use vowel points, but you cannot see them in that Hebrew word! So why are you bringing that up, unless someone else is responding to false information that I've never brought up?

    You are just copying/repeating what that person wrote... without even understanding what is being discussed!

    I have never mentioned vowel points because this discussion is about the pronunciation of God's name ... which can be determined by looking at the ancient Biblical Hebrew language in which it was first written, which does not need or use vowel points.

    There is no need to look at the modern Hebrew language that corrupts, hides, and slanders the Name of the Heavenly Father, Yahu'ah, when the ancient Hebrew language has been preserved. So vowel points are irrelevant!

    The Hebrew language was lost for 1800 years??? You can't be serious. You are completely lost pal! You misinterpreted what Nehemia must have told you. You can't even figure out that he was only referring to ancient Hebrew, which wasn't 'lost', it was CORRUPTED and REPLACED by modern Hebrew!

    How many times will it take until you get it?

    And don't try to con me with your reading of the Hebrew word. You got that from someone (Nehemia?) He told you what that word was. Because of your unintelligence and your deceptiveness, you cannot even lie well!

    I know you got the answer from someone because, once again, I have never mentioned anything about vowel points! You either lied or are too stupid to understand anything about this subject to even be able to ask Nehemia so that he can give a relevant response.

    It's either that or he is a deceiver as well and is using a 'straw man's argument' by deliberately changing the subject to modern Hebrew to 'prove himself right'..

    I've included the youtubevideo about the 'Shrine of the Book Museum' in Jerusalem in two recent posts. If he is in Jerusalem, then I'm sure he has been there. He would know what the guy in the video knows... that the ancient Hebrew language... with it's characters, letters, and pronunciation have been preserved!

    The true Name of God is also preserved in the Museum. The Jews even kept using the ancient Biblical Hebrew language form of the divine Name, even after the rest of the scriptures were changed to modern Hebrew.

    Why would they do that? To make sure the Name did not get corrupted by satanic, lying, blasphemous idiots! They only partially succeeded!

    Don't respond again until Nehemia reads the posts from this blog and watches the videos and he responds!

  50. Your such an idiot pal! LOL I use all kinds of online tools when it comes to studying and understanding Hebrew. Like and may other online manuscripts,I have never even had a interaction with Nehemia Gordon on line.Although that would be really cool to have a online discussion with Nehemia Gordon instead of reading all of your crap bullshit and nonsense that comes out of you corrupted understanding of Hebrew Kevinb. I have read Nehemia Gordons book " Shattering the conspiracy of silence " You should read a real scholars book instead of all that false bullshit information about God's name. You would actually lean something useful pal !

    I have translated the Hebrew word you posted ! How come you are to afraid to translate the Hebrew word I posted ? I guess it's because you don't know shit about translating. It's Just one little word ( שאול ) pal. This word relates to this whole discussion about God's name Yehovah and the other word Hovah.And how the name Jehovah and Yehovah have nothing to do with disaster unless Yehovah is bringing disaster to people for their blatant actions against him.
    So I expect you to at least try in translate this word ( שאול ).

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Hey Pal, just because you read a book by a phony, baloney, wannabee scholar, MALE BIMBO, who doesn't even acknowledge that God's name has been preserved in it's original form, in Jerusalem, where he lives, in the ORIGINAL ancient Biblical Hebrew language, doesn't prove a thing about the True Name of God.

    The fact is, the Divine name is available to everyone in Jerusalem, at the 'Shrine of the Book Museum', in it's original Biblical Hebrew language. This supposed 'worshipper' of the God of Israel, this Nehemia Gordon clown, doesn't even acknowledge Yahu'ah's Name has been preserved in it's ORIGINAL FORM AND LANGUAGE in ancient Biblical Hebrew!

    He pulls a 'straw man's argument' by talking about the modern, corrupted Hebrew mistranslation of the Divine Name, from the altered and corrupted modern Hebrew language, and he doesn't even discuss God's ancient name, spelling and pronunciation THAT IS RIGHT THERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE, IN JERUSALEM... WHERE HE LIVES!

    Is he really a Jew... or is he a 'false Jew from the Synagogue of Satan'??? (Rev 3:9)

    'SHRINE OF THE BOOK' museum in Jerusalem:

    So because the Father's name YAHU"AH has been preserved in it's original ancient Hebrew form and language, we can worship Him by using His correct name. We do not need to be able to read Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek to find out His true name and 'worship Him in spirit and truth'!

    On numerous posts I have pointed out how 'hovah' is a means of slandering the Almighty, which is what this blog is all about. So when it come to slander and blasphemy of the Father's Name, your modern Hebrew word ( שאול ) has no relevance whatsoever to ancient Biblical Hebrew, to the Divine Name, or to this blog, so quit your con game!

    Also, I never stated that I could read Hebrew, so knock off the nonsense with the Hebrew words, you DEMON INSPIRED FRAUD! Your Hebrew words nonsense proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, PAL!

    You can't even understand, or even write ENGLISH correctly, let alone Hebrew! Who do you think you are fooling??? Not me... you DEMONIC PIECE OF DUNG! Go worship your Father the Devil, you lying Satanic PUNK!!!


    Nothing else matters. You have officially lost, pal! Give it up!!!

  53. Kevinb,you sure got a lot to say about nothing! You didn't officially win any debate. I have looked at those videos and web sites. It is now time to expose your false Yahu'ah cult name once again HA HA HA HA :-D
    In your twisted deception,you yah'ahest cult people claim that God's name JEHOVAH or YEHOVAH means disaster because the last part of God's name YE....( HOVAH ) sound and looks and is spelled the same as the Hebrew word ( HOVAH ) which does mean ( Disaster ). But is this sound reasoning ? NO IT'S NOT ! Why? Because if Yehovah means disaster because the part of it looks and sounds and is spelled as Ye(hovah),this is just a bad understanding and a uneducated guess using false reasoning.

    If we apply this same twisted reasoning of the Yahu'ah cult to other Hebrew names and words in the Old Testament we would get some really corrupted bullshit conclusions that would make Hebrew unintelligible.
    For example: The Hebrew word for ( man ) is ( אָדָם ) in Gen 1:26,pronounced ( A-DAM ) spelled with the consonants Aleph,Daleth and final Mem with the two vowel points qa'mets or two A's. Now if we look at the Hebrew word ( Blood ) ( דָּם ) in Gen 9:6,pronounced ( DAM ) and spelled with the same last two consonants Daleth and Final Mem with qa'mats or A. This looks exactly like the word ( Man / אָדָם / A-DAM ) without the letter Aleph and minus one qa'mets. Yet the word ADAM in Hebrew means Man and the word DAM means blood.
    These two Hebrew words are NOT RELATED IN MEANING just because they look similar and sound similar in Hebrew. This is a good example of how you could show that YEHOVAH does not mean Disaster.

  54. Lets take another name and word in Hebrew that us the same characters but have totally different meaning but are spelled with the same consonants but have different vowel points.
    In fact, there are examples in Hebrew of where two words with different meanings are spelled exactly the same way, yet they are pronounced differently. The word שאול, which is pronounced "Shaul" (King Saul's name) is spelled exactly the same as the word שאול, pronounced "Sheol." "Shaul" means "desired" but "Sheol" means "grave." The vowels and meaning are different, but the word is spelled the same. If שאול (Shaul) is spelled the same as שאול (Sheol), yet has different vowels, why would we believe that יהוה Yehovah means Disaster ????
    The Yahuahest cult people don't know SHIT when it comes to translating God's name from Hebrew to English.They are deceiving themselves and other into believing a false name Yahu'ah because some dipshit conned them into believing his bullshit. This is why I say to Kevinb , YOU STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT PAL!!!! HA HA HA HA :-D

    1. Hey Moron,your word שאול means 'Saul'... so what? Your idiotic, stupid 'straw man' argument has nothing to do with ancient Biblical Hebrew or to God's true name, you lying con!

      God's name has been preserved in ancient Biblical Hebrew in the Shrine of the Book Museum as Yahu'ah! Even using modern Hebrew, yod-hay-uau-hay, God's name is still pronounced Yahu'ah... as it is in every language on earth!

      It is grammatically and phonetically IMPOSSIBLE to come up with Je-hovah as God's name... PERIOD!

      Using modern Hebrew rules of grammar about various non-related Hebrew words proves absolutely nothing about God's name... not a thing!

      Modern Hebrew has been changed and corrupted, so knock off your lying, twisted nonsense about modern Hebrew rules of grammar that have have no relation to ancient Biblical Hebrew or to God's true name... none whatsoever.

      You are a stupid, low IQ, demonic liar, who isn't fooling anybody intelligent with your irrelevant 'straw man' arguments.

      If you want to learn from a real Hebrew scholar, listen to this guy:
      "Lew White briefly explains the four letters that make up the Name of our Creator YAHUAH (pronounced "Yah-HOO-ah" in every language . . .)"

    2. Another person going by the user name JW.Org recently joined this blog and asked me if I was a Witless, so I decided to answer your question from last year since I am on the blog.

      Sheol and Shaul were initially pronounced the same way back in Bible times. When modern Hebrew was concocted, the Hebrew linguists decided to put the vowel points in different places for the two words so that a distinction could be made between the two.

      Now people can distinguish between the proper name and the general condition of the dead. That is not how it was in ancient Bible times when the scriptures were written.

      In English we have names and words that are spelled and pronounced the same such as June (the month) and June (a name for a female) or April (the month) and April (a name for a female).

  55. What really is troubling about your reasoning and arguments is they are full of SHIT pal. You never quote any reliable sources. All your posted websites are from people WHO ARE NOT Scholars like that fraud Lew White and his dabbling in witchcraft. This is the dipshit you put your trust in ? LOL
    And you keep on believing that letter vav or as you like to say,waw only makes a "oo" sound. The letter vav is a Matres lectionis. As a consonant by it's self it makes the consonantal sound " V " or as some other scholars say,waw. But as a vowel it has a vowel point or shuruk on the left middle side of the vav.This is how scholars know that vav is pronounced "oo". If vav does not have this DOT on the middle left side of it,it takes the consonantal sound V or as some say W. "oo" is a vowel sound and Hebrew uses vowel points to indicate the proper vowel sound of this letter.
    And when it come to the Hebrew words Saul and Sheol which is spelled with the same Hebrew characters שאול sin,aleph,vav and lamed. How would you be able to translate them if it weren't for vowel points? You would come up with the wrong translation just like you are coming up with the wrong translation of God's name.
    You know you are wrong and I know you are wrong so please STOP YOUR BULLSHIT and wake up pal!

  56. Quit trying to run your 'straw man' con game, you demonic deceiver! Ancient Biblical Hebrew does not use 'vowel points'!

    Ancient Biblical Hebrew is the language which Creator's name was originally written and has been preserved... in it's original form, as Yod, Hey, Waw, Hey.

    So knock off the deliberate misdirection about modern Hebrew 'vowel points' that have nothing to do with the Father's name, you satanic scum!

  57. The sources that I cite are all legitimate, and you know it, you liar! Look at the right side of any of the YouTube videos. There are plenty of other sources proving the truth about God's name.

    You quote one source, who has come up with a bogus justification for Je-hovah/Ye-hovah base upon the changed and corrupted modern Hebrew language. No other Hebrew scholar that has studied the Name in the ancient Hebrew language has ever come up with 'Je-hovah'.

    All true Hebrew scholars who have studied God's name in the original language in which it was recorded knows that 'Je-hovah' is false. Je-hovah is a deliberate attempt to hide and blaspheme the Father's Name!

    Not only have you lost here, pal, but you could end up losing your life. 'God is not one to be mocked', 'blasphemers will be turned over to Satan to be disciplined' and 'liars will be in the lake of fire'!

    The title 'Devil' means slanderer and the false name 'Je-hovah' is slanderous! So quit your con game... unless you want to end up with the same fate as your father the Devil!

  58. In the New American Standard version Job 26:6 says "Naked is Sheol before Him, and Abaddon has no covering"
    If it wasn't for vowel points you could also translate this as "crafty is Saul before Him,and Abaddon has no covering".
    The Hebrew word " crafty " in Gen 3:1, is spelled with the same letters (ערום) Ayin,Resh,Vav and final Mem as the word " Naked " in Job 26:6, And as I have already showed you Sheol and Saul use the same letters (שאול) Sin,Aleph,Vav and Lamed. This is NOT A STRONGMANS ARGUMENT! THIS IS FACT!!!
    Without vowel points you would easily mistranslate Job 26:6 and get a totally wrong meaning. I'm showing this to make you understand that vowel points are essential to translating Hebrew correctly pal!!!!

  59. Kevinb,I was reading part of your April 1 2014,time 10:21 post.

    You said quote " The English letter Y represents the Hebrew letter/character 'Yod' and in Hebrew, it is pronounced just like English speaking people pronounce their 'Y'; the H in English represents the Hebrew letter/character 'Hey' and is pronounced 'ah'; the W in English represents the third Hebrew letter/character 'Waw' and is pronounced 'oo' or 'uu' ('W' in English is really UU - but was changed to a new singular letter 'W'), and again the H is pronounced 'ah'.

    So the proper pronunciation of the 4 Hebrew letters of the Tetragrammaton is Y-ah-u-ah (or Yah'oo'ah as there are three syllable in the Tetragrammaton)." unquote.

    I was trying to figure out where this information originated from. I think I know where and how this Yahu'ah spelling came from. This name Yahu'ah was created out of Hebrew vowel points and the fusion of a nomina sacra or abbreviation of God's name " Yah " and the letters Vav and Hey with vowel points. The Hebrew nomina sacra "Yah " is basically the first consonant " Y " and the last vowel qamets "a" with the last " H " or Hey with a diacritic niqqud or dot called a Mappiq in the center of the " Hey " or H. This is what it looks like ( הּ ) This Hey with the dot in the center indicates a vocalized " Hey " or " H ". Why ? Because in the Hebrew name YHVH the first three consonants are vocalized but the last " H " is silent. But if the last " H " or Hey has a Mappiq or dot in the center,then you have to pronounce the last " Hey " or " H "

    Now we will look at this abbreviated name " Yah " in Hebrew and also God's full name in Hebrew In Psalms 104:35 in Hebrew at the end of the verse it says " Yehovah praise Yah " read from right to left.
    יְהוָ֗ה הַֽלְלוּ־יָֽהּ
    You can clearly see that Yod Hey Vav Hey has the vowel points Sheva the two vertical dots below the Yod,cholem is the dot on top of the vav. and qamets looks like a very small capital T under the Vav,making up God's name Yehovah. Then we have the word Hey,Lamed,Lamed and Vav or Hallu with vowel points. Last we have YAH יָֽהּ Yod,qamets and Hey with the Mappiq dot inside,This is the abbreviation of God's name with the first letter Y and the last vowel A or qamets and the last Hey or H with the dot in the center telling us to pronounce the last H.

  60. What I think the Yahu'ahest people did is mix this Abbreviated Yah with a Vav with the vowel point shuruk or dot on the middle left side of the Vav to make the U or " oo " sound. Then they added the qamets or A along with H or Hey with the Mappiq or dot in the center of Hey to complete the name Yahu'ah. This is what it would look like if we wrote this Frankenstein monster using misplaced vowel points, יָֽהּוָּהּ Nowhere in the oldest manuscripts or any manuscripts is YHVH pointed this way! If it were pointed this way,then God's name would be written and pronounced Yahu'ah. But it is not pointed this way at all. But it is pointed this way יְהוָ֗ה spelled and pronounced YEHOVAH in the oldest manuscripts with vowel points. This information should put the last nails in the coffin to bury this false name Yahu'ah.

  61. One more thing concerning the false assumption that the name YEHOVAH is made up from the vowel points of two Hebrew words, Elohim and Adonai. This is so untrue if you look at the real evidence. In 1 Kings 1:36 at the last part of this verse we have " Yehovah,Elohe which is in the singular and Adonai all written side by side in the verse. If you zoom in closely you will clearly that these other two Hebrew words DO NOT HAVE THE SAME VOWEL POINTS ! Here is the last part of 1 Kings 1:36 in Hebrew in the Aleppo codex dated about late 900 AD.This is about 300 years before Ray Martini, and you can look for yourself ! ( יְהוָ֔ה אֱלֹהֵ֖י אֲדֹנִ֥י )
    When Raymundus Martini the Spanish Catholic monk translated God's name. This is what he saw,words with different vowel points NOT the mixing of two different Hebrew words to make up the name Yehovah.
    Just because he was a Catholic monk does not mean he got it wrong! I believe he translated it correctly. After all he was the Vatican's top Hebrew scholar at that time.

  62. You are wasting your time learning modern corrupted Hebrew with all of its vowel points. Vowel points are not need in ancient Biblical Hebrew.

    The Hebrew characters/letters are known as a 'script' and not the same as the English 'alphabet' that has vowels and consonants. In ancient Hebrew, the letters/characters are neither, because that is not how the language is constructed.

    In ancient Biblical Hebrew, the letters or characters have one sound each for the 22 letter/characters, with each carrying meaning. The ancient Hebrew letters are not simply the 'sound' of letters as in a 'true alphabet' language like English.

    I have cited various websites showing the ancient Hebrew. Here are a couple of webpages about language for you to learn from.

    The change to a corrupted Hebrew language is what altered the true ancient Hebrew letters, pronunciation and meaning of God's Name, as well as the ancient Hebrew word for 'disaster', or 'ruin' (hovah).

    Translating ancient Biblical Hebrew to the modern corrupted Hebrew language was not necessary and was done deliberately, wickedly and incorrectly to alter the spelling and pronunciation of God's name.

    Why would anyone do this? To hide, slander and blaspheme the original Name of the Almighty by incorrectly transliterating His Name from the ancient Biblical Hebrew to an unnecessary, modern, corrupted Hebrew language!

    Spend your time learning ancient Biblical Hebrew, which is what the original inspired Hebrew scriptures were written and recorded in. Modern corrupted Hebrew was concocted much later to corrupt the translation from the ancient Biblical Hebrew.

    This was wicked and totally unnecessary, especially for God's name, which was preserved in its original ancient Biblical Hebrew form. I have cited various websites showing this.

    So quit wasting your time learning modern corrupted Hebrew. The Bible was not originally written in that language!

    As far Raymundis Martini is concerned, all major religious leaders are Luciferian and part of Babylon, the Great Whore, and all are under the control of the Devil. Martini was no different!

    It is obvious that you are still in the 'midst of Babylon'. It's time to 'get out' mentally and spiritually! (Rev 18:4)

    The interlinear text analysis is below for that Ps 104:35 verse that you cited. Yah-weh is used instead of Yahu'ah there, so the Name of God is still wrong, but Yah, the shortened version of God's name, is correct in the text analysis.

    This should put to rest the mis-transliterated, 'Je-hovah/Ye-hovah', modern, corrupted Hebrew horse-manure!

  63. Kevinb,If vowel points are so unnecessary. How would you translate Job 26:6 ? Saul and Sheol are written with the same same four Hebrew letter/characters,(שאול) and naked and crafty are also written with the same four Hebrew characters (ערום).

    You said "In ancient Biblical Hebrew, the letters or characters have one sound each for the 22 letter/characters, with each carrying meaning" So what's the correct translation and meaning of these Hebrew words (שאול) (ערום) ?
    And since your such a cry baby when it comes to looking at Babylonian square script which the prophets of God,like Ezra,Nehemiah,Jeremiah,Ezekiel,Daniel,Haggai,Zechariah and Malachi didn't have a problem using this new changed Hebrew. Are you Kevinb going to condemn these prophets to your fiery Hell for NOT using Paleo Hebrew ? are you ?
    anyway to make you happy you could check Job 26:6 in paleo Hebrew on this website :

  64. I'm a 'crybaby'... who believes in a 'fiery hell'? Are you a demonic and delusional liar?

    Changing the structure of the characters/letters was not the cause of the corruption of ancient Biblical Hebrew and is not the real problem. Eliminating and changing the sound and meaning of letters is where the real problem lies.

    The problem really began when vowel points were added much later that confused and changed the original Hebrew when Jews migrated to Europe and Germany and wanted to structure the Hebrew language to be similar to those languages... those that have a true alphabet, with vowels and consonants, like German or Latin.
    According to the historian Fritz Springmeier, some of the Levites and false religious worshipers/leaders that escaped the destruction of Yahrusalem in 586 BCE learned satanic secrets from the Babylonish priests while in captivity.

    But where do you come up with the prophets of old somehow using the corrupted modern Hebrew language? Who said that prophets of God like: Ezra,Nehemiah,Jeremiah,Ezekiel,Daniel,Haggai,Zechariah and Malachi used Babylonian square script? Do you or anyone else have proof of that?

    Has anyone alive ever seen the original inspired recording of God's word written in Babylonian square script by any of those prophets? Didn't think so!

    Those prophets did not use a changed and corrupted modern Hebrew language. Even after the letter structure was changed from Paleo to Script, meticulous care was taken to preserve God's name in the original form!

    Check out the Shrine of the Book Museum video. The original Hebrew Name of God has been preserved.

  65. Even using Script letters, true Hebrew scholars can still obtain the correct pronunciation of God's name, as long as the original letters and sounds are used (Waw instead of Vav in the Tetragrammaton and Vet instead of Vav in 'hovah').

    Modern corrupted Hebrew uses and needs vowel points. Ancient Biblical Hebrew does not!

    You deliberately ignore the fact that you are not fooling anyone with your satanic straw man arguments about modern Hebrew words which have NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD'S NAME which was preserved in the original language? Why???

    You deliberately ignore the video about the Shrine of the Book Museum that continues to this day to have the Name of God preserved in its original form. Why???

    You deliberately ignore the interlinear text analysis of the scripture that you cited at Psalm 104:35 from the website that you like, which shows God's Name as Yah-weh with the shortened version as Yah. Why???

    You deliberately ignore the numerous Hebrew scholars that point out that the Tetragrammaton is Yod, Hey, Waw, Hey and is pronounced YAH-hoo-AH. Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that the 'J' part of the false name 'Je-hovah' is grammatically and phonetically impossible as there was no 'J' sound in ancient or modern Hebrew and the J letter was never used to replace the Y letter when it was added as an English letter. No ancient Biblical Hebrew scholar has ever stated that the 1st letter of the Tetragrammaton, Yod, is pronounced 'J' or 'Je'. Why are you ignoring this???

  66. You deliberately ignore the fact that the 2nd and 4th letters of the Tetragrammaton in ancient Biblical Hebrew are the same letter, pronounced exactly the same way! Why??

    You deliberately ignore the fact that even in the modern corrupted Hebrew, the exact same letter is used for the 2nd and 4th letters of the Tetragrammaton, but yet wickedly, illogically and incorrectly, you and the JW's pronounce the 2nd and 4th letter differently. Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that most translations that do not substitute God's Name with LORD, use YHVH or YHWH as an acronym for God's name, while virtually none use JHVH for the Tetragrammaton. Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that both the 2nd and 4th letter, 'Hey', in the Creator's Name, is pronounced 'ah' even in modern Hebrew, so vowel points are AGAIN irrelevant! Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that the 2nd and 4th letters of the Tetragrammaton 'Hey' is never pronounced 'ho' by any ancient Biblical Hebrew scholar! Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that the 'ho' part of the false name 'Ye-hovah' or 'Je-hovah' is grammatically and phonetically impossible, so the 'Yeho' or 'Jeho' for the beginning of God's Name is also grammatically and phonetically impossible and no ancient Biblical Hebrew scholar has ever stated that it is possible! Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that the modern corrupted Hebrew Tetragrammaton appears to somehow combine a made up 'ho' sound from the Hebrew 'Hey' letter, with the modern 'Vav' letter, with its 'v' sound, to ridiculously come up with a 'hov' sound for the middle syllable for God's Name, which is grammatically and phonetically impossible and completely absurd! Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that the 3rd letter of the Tetragrammaton is pronounced 'oo' from the ancient Hebrew letter 'Waw' but was wickedly changed to the modern 'Vav' with a 'v' sound. Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that vowel points have nothing to do with the made-up modern Hebrew letter Vav that wickedly replaced Waw, and is pronounced with a 'v' sound, so it is a consonant in both modern Hebrew and in true alphabets like English! Why???

    You deliberately ignore the fact that the modern corrupted Hebrew Tetragrammaton then uses the correct 'ah' sound for the 4th letter to pronounce the last syllable of God's Name, which is the exact same 'Hey' letter as the 2nd letter of the Tetragrammaton, but yet is pronounced differently in modern corrupted Hebrew, but yet is correctly pronounced the same in ancient Biblical Hebrew! Why???



  67. oooooh!!! i'm shaken in my boots there big boy Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! You deliberately ignore the fact that there are many Hebrew words that are spelled exactly with the same characters but have different pronunciations and meaning,WHY!!!! I know why? your a chicken shit and don't know shit about the Hebrew language or translating anything pal! LOL
    You deliberately ignore the fact that all your references are bullshit!!! Pal! like when you stupidly say " ancient Biblical Hebrew scholar! " ????? That's all can come up with ? Give us some real references like,Hebrew Scholar John Henry in his book Ancient biblical Grammar page 42,par 3 says " bla bla bla bla " Don't give us this generic statement as if it holds some authority???? What authority????? The only authority I see coming from you is more BULLSHIT PAL!!! Good thing I have my BULLSHIT SHOVEL to clear what you say on here away!
    Now be a good boy and translate Job 26:6 for us.This should be a good laugh because you know shit for Hebrew pal!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!

  68. You are as wicked and godless as an unbelieving devil worshipper! Learn from real Hebrew scholars, and quit bringing up irrelevant Hebrew words that have nothing to do with God's Name.... or else wait to get disciplined by your father the Devil, you spiritually sick satanic puke!

    This scriptural interlinear website was edited and translated by Lanny Mebust (Benyamin benKohath) a real Hebrew scholar!

    1. Those Hebrew words are very relevant because they also have the letter VAV in them just like VAV in God's name.Yet they are translated and pronounced and spelled differently throughout the old testament,WHY?
      You Kevinb refuse to translate them because you are FULL OF SHIT and you are fulfilling the prophecy in 2 Tim 4:3,4," For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths."

    2. Like I said before," because some dipshit conned them [and you] into believing his bullshit." And you fell for it pal!
      Your believing the myth that the letter Vav only has one sound.This is why you can't translate these Hebrew words in Job 26:6 (שאול) (ערום) Your not fooling anyone except the brainwashed Yahu'ah cult people.

  69. Hey that would make a good Metal rock band " satanic puke! " featuring their new hit single from Kevinb " spiritually sick! " The lyrics of the song would go something like this " You are as wicked and godless as an unbelieving devil worshipper!
    BECAUSE YOU ARE LIKE YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL... A LIAR WHO WILL END UP IN THE LAKE OF FIRE! you demonic deceiver! you satanic scum!"
    Ok Kevinb I need your Help here! Can you throw some more of those evil ad hominems at HA HA HA HA LOL so we can finish this Metal song of yours? It sound pretty good pal ! LOL :-D

  70. Bingo! I got it!!! For the chorus line you could chant "oo" "oo" "oo" "waw" waw" waw" and then finish it off with another one of your evil ad hominems " you DEMONIC PIECE OF DUNG! Go worship your Father the Devil, you lying Satanic PUNK!!! " then we would throw in a wicked Lead solo LOL :-D

  71. Vav was created after the Word of God was written, you SATANIC LIAR!

    The modern Hebrew Vav replaced the ancient Hebrew Waw, which had only one sound, you DEMONIC DECEIVER!

    Quit twisting the scriptures and go back to worshiping your father the Devil, until the 'appointed time' when you will be dealt with and 'punished with severity' like the 'wicked slave' (Mt 24:48-51).

    They are 'ACTING WICKEDLY AGAINST THE COVENANT' and promote this blasphemous 'Je-hovah' garbage in their Witchtower and will join you when they also 'go off into apostasy' like you already have! (Daniel 11:29,32)

    You better ask for forgiveness from the True Father and Creator, Yahu'ah, thru His Son Yahu'sha, before it is too late!

  72. WOW I haven't been on here in almost a month.But it's time to expose dipshit oh! I mean Kevinb once again on his wrong understanding and conclusions of ancient paleo Hebrew.Kevinb said in his last post " The modern Hebrew Vav replaced the ancient Hebrew Waw, which had only one sound." Is this true ? Well lets take a look at one Kevinb's references that he posted a while back,the " Ancient Hebrew Research Center " by Jeff Banner. In one of Jeff's Videos dealing on Zechariah 12:10.In this video at 2:13 to 2:48 minutes Jeff pronounces a Hebrew word 4 times that has the letter Vav or Waw at the beginning of this word and at the end of this word.
    This is the word ( והביטו ) pronounced " VE-HIB-BI-TU " or " WE-HIB-BI-TU ".Translated " and they will look ".The first Vav is pronounced with a consonant sound V or as some prefer W sound.The second Vav or Waw is pronounced with the vowel sound U making the " oo " sound. So how do we know that the first Vav makes a totally different sound then the last Vav ? Vowel points are the key ! This is the Hebrew word with vowel points ( וְהִבִּ֥יטוּ ).
    Here we have the first letter VAV with a Sheva or E below it getting the VE or WE sound.But when we look at the last VAV you can see the Shuruk or dot on the middle left side of the VAV making the " U / oo " sound.

    If Kevin doesn't believe me he could watch the video on YouTube " Zechariah 12:10 - "Pierced him" or "Pierced me?" by Jeff Banner. In his video Jeff pronounces these two VAV's with different sounds,the consonant sound and the vowel sound. So Kevinb YOU STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!! PAL!

  73. A true Hebrew researcher and theologian, Richard Chaimberlin responded to an email that I sent him asking about the spelling of two words that are written the same.

    (These are internet articles he has written)

    "Context will always determine whether the correct term is Shaul or Sheol. And I think you are wasting your time arguing with someone whose mind is already made up and refuses to be corrected with the facts. As you mention, the vowel pointings came about a thousand years ago."

    Vav is not a letter that was in ancient Biblical Hebrew! It was added to the modern corrupted Hebrew language well after the scriptures were written. It has replaced Waw for a very specific and satanic purpose... to hide and slander the Creator's true name

    Another true researcher, Lew White wrote:

    "There's no letter "V" in older Hebrew, but modern Hebrew uses such a letter (since the 17th century). "Jehovah" is a hybrid mongrelization of the Tetragrammaton YHUH - changed to JHVH, then the vowels of "adonai" are crammed in, to "cue" the reader to not pronounce the Name, but instead say "adonai"."

    So you wasted your time finding that YouTube video that proves nothing about God's name.

    Keep slandering the Almighty and misleading others as to his true name and see what further 'ruin, calamity and disaster' awaits you!

    1. kevin...... the word je-hovah is not the name used by true jehovah's witnesses..... by your using this word je-hovah = implies that you are addressing to another FAGGOT GOD.... use this word jehovah and post your blasphemy to this name and curse here this name jehovah and call down evil to this name jehovah....
      = forget your ancestors satan korah abiram VOCALIZING THE NAME OF ALMIGHTY IN THAT TONGUE BUT THEN== were annihilated by almighty himself...???.... research why...???.... sards will not give the bread of children to dogs......nor throw pearls to swinEs .
      = also.... you are referring to some companies like dogtower which are not existing.!!1...
      = blaspheme properly and show here that you are not an EVOLVIE... so you get what you want....!!!..
      kevinb1914 Unsubscribe
      11:44 PM (10 hours ago)

      to me
      kevinb1914 has left a new comment on the post "Does 'Hovah' really mean 'a ruin, disaster'?":

      The Name of the Most High and His Son are the two most important names in the universe. We are to sanctify the Father's Name and put His Son's Name above all others on earth.

      YAH'UAH is paying attention to those thinking upon His name. Their true names are not to be dismissed or taken lightly because of some blasphemous, slanderous, satanically inspired false teaching on the pronunciation and spelling of their names by the Witchtower. (Malachi 3:16-18)

      The Almighty Father is looking for His people to 'worship Him with spirit and truth', not to be pharisical followers of men. We are to be like the Bereans who 'carefully examined the scriptures to see if what they were being taught was true'. We are commanded to 'make sure of all things', especially with something as important as His and His Son's true Names.

      If you read my previous posts, and looked up the websites and the youtube videos, and also did your own research... outside of what your pharisaical cult falsely teaches you, you will find all the information that you need about the true names of God and His Son.

      The wicked Witchtower took out the truth that was published in 1968 in the old 'Aid to Bible Understanding' book when they published the 'Insight' book to replace it in 1984. That truth was that a Catholic Dominican monk by the name of Raymundus Martini was the first one to use the make-believe false name of God... 'Je-Hovah'. They are hypocrites who teach lies. (1 Tim 4:2)

      Martini made up the false name in the 13th century under inspiration of his father the Devil... hundreds and hundreds of years after the Bible was written. The English language was around well before Martini made up the slanderous, blasphemous 'Je-

    2. 1st Timothy 2:12 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

      I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; instead, she is to be silent.

      What part of that scripture do you not understand Sards? Start obeying the scriptures or you will be annihilated like your foremother Jezebel was!

      2 Kings 9 (New Living Translation)
      Her remains will be scattered like dung on the plot of land in Jezreel, so that no one will be able to recognize her.'"

      The Death of Jezebel by Jehu
      (Jezebel and Jehu's real name are actually Izabel and Yahu as there is no 'j' sound in Hebrew. There are 137 names of people in the Bible that have part of God's name within their names, including God's Son as prophesied at Exodus 23:21.
      Even today, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has part of God's name within his name)

      30 When Jezebel (Izabel), the queen mother, heard that Jehu (Yahu) had come to Jezreel, she painted her eyelids and fixed her hair and sat at a window. 31 When Jehu entered the gate of the palace, she shouted at him, “Have you come in peace, you murderer? You’re just like Zimri, who murdered his master!”

      32 Jehu looked up and saw her at the window and shouted, “Who is on my side?” And two or three eunuchs looked out at him. 33 “Throw her down!” Jehu yelled. So they threw her out the window, and her blood spattered against the wall and on the horses. And Jehu trampled her body under his horses’ hooves.

      34 Then Jehu went into the palace and ate and drank. Afterward he said, “Someone go and bury this cursed woman, for she is the daughter of a king.” 35 But when they went out to bury her, they found only her skull, her feet, and her hands.

      36 When they returned and told Jehu, he stated, “This fulfills the message from the Lord, which he spoke through his servant Elijah from Tishbe: ‘At the plot of land in Jezreel, dogs will eat Jezebel’s body. 37 Her remains will be scattered like dung on the plot of land in Jezreel, so that no one will be able to recognize her.’”

  74. The reason I showed that Kevinb is wrong is he brought it up in his comment ! He said " The modern Hebrew Vav replaced the ancient Hebrew Waw, which had only one sound " This is a half lie telling people that VAV only has one sound,the vowel sound "oo". If we go to and look at what it says about the letter vav. We will get the correct understanding of the sounds vav makes.

    The sixth letter in the Hebrew alphabet is Vav. It makes three sounds:

    The "v" sound (IPA: /v/, "v" as in "violin").
    The "o" sound (IPA: /o/, "o" as in "gore").
    The "u" sound (IPA: /u/, "u" as in "flu").

    When doubled (וו) it makes the "w" semivowel (IPA: /w/, "w" as in "well"), but only in foreign words.
    You might remember that we learned that the letter Aleph has three purposes: 1) It makes the glottal stop 2) When at the beginning of a word it means the word starts with a vowel and 3) When preceded by any "a" vowel, when at the end of a word (there are exceptions) and in foreign words (because in most texts there are no marked vowels) it makes the "a" sound (IPA: /a/, "a" as in "spa").

    Vav plays the same roles as Aleph (except for 2., that's reserved for Aleph): it makes the "v" sound and when charged with an "o" or "u" vowel or in foreign words (because in most texts there are no marked vowels) it makes the "o" or "u" sound. More about that in the next section.

    How do we know if Vav makes the "v", "o" or "u" sound?
    Two niqqud signs are there to help us:

    וֹ The ħolam is the dot above the Vav.

    It produces the "o" sound (IPA: /o/, "o" as in "gore"). It can appear as a dot in the top of the space between two letters (xֹx) and then it's called Ħolam Ħaser ("empty ħolam") or on a Vav (וֹ), and then it is called Ħolam Malei ("full ħolam"). In modern Israeli Hebrew there is no distinction between the two save spelling.

    וּ The shuruq is the dot to the left of the Vav.[2]
    It produces the "u" sound (IPA: /u/, "u" as in "flu").
    When charged by any other vowel Vav is pronounced as a "v".

    1. Siic, why can't I get hold of you on Google? Send me a message on Google in my circles so I can reply..

  75. Kevinb1914. ....I only want to know one answer and only one! Were you every a Jehovah witness YES? Or NO? IF your game enough to answer!

    1. Are you one of Je-Hovah's Witlesses?

      You chose JW.Org as your user name. is the Witness website. Do you represent them?

      What difference does it make if I was 'every (sic) a Witless'? Why would you ask that?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. kevin...... the word je-hovah is not the name used by true jehovah's witnesses..... by your using this word je-hovah = implies that you are addressing to another FAGGOT GOD.... use this word jehovah and post your blasphemy to this name and curse here this name jehovah and call down evil to this name jehovah....
      = forget your ancestors satan korah abiram VOCALIZING THE NAME OF ALMIGHTY IN THAT TONGUE BUT THEN== were annihilated by almighty himself...???.... research why...???.... sards will not give the bread of children to dogs......nor throw pearls to swinEs .
      = also.... you are referring to some companies like dogtower which are not existing.!!1...
      = blaspheme properly and show here that you are not an EVOLVIE... so you get what you want....!!!..
      kevinb1914 Unsubscribe
      11:44 PM (10 hours ago)

      to me
      kevinb1914 has left a new comment on the post "Does 'Hovah' really mean 'a ruin, disaster'?":

      The Name of the Most High and His Son are the two most important names in the universe. We are to sanctify the Father's Name and put His Son's Name above all others on earth.

      YAH'UAH is paying attention to those thinking upon His name. Their true names are not to be dismissed or taken lightly because of some blasphemous, slanderous, satanically inspired false teaching on the pronunciation and spelling of their names by the Witchtower. (Malachi 3:16-18)

      The Almighty Father is looking for His people to 'worship Him with spirit and truth', not to be pharisical followers of men. We are to be like the Bereans who 'carefully examined the scriptures to see if what they were being taught was true'. We are commanded to 'make sure of all things', especially with something as important as His and His Son's true Names.

      If you read my previous posts, and looked up the websites and the youtube videos, and also did your own research... outside of what your pharisaical cult falsely teaches you, you will find all the information that you need about the true names of God and His Son.

      The wicked Witchtower took out the truth that was published in 1968 in the old 'Aid to Bible Understanding' book when they published the 'Insight' book to replace it in 1984. That truth was that a Catholic Dominican monk by the name of Raymundus Martini was the first one to use the make-believe false name of God... 'Je-Hovah'. They are hypocrites who teach lies. (1 Tim 4:2)

      Martini made up the false name in the 13th century under inspiration of his father the Devil... hundreds and hundreds of years after the Bible was written. The English language was around well before Martini made up the slanderous, blasphemous 'Je-

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. 1st Timothy 2:12 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

      I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; instead, she is to be silent.

      What part of that scripture do you not understand Sards? Start obeying the scriptures or you will be annihilated like your foremother Jezebel was!

      2 Kings 9 (New Living Translation)
      Her remains will be scattered like dung on the plot of land in Jezreel, so that no one will be able to recognize her.'"

      The Death of Jezebel by Jehu
      (Jezebel and Jehu's real name are actually Izabel and Yahu as there is no 'j' sound in Hebrew. There are 137 names of people in the Bible that have part of God's name within their names, including God's Son as prophesied at Exodus 23:21.
      Even today, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, has part of God's name within his name)

      30 When Jezebel (Izabel), the queen mother, heard that Jehu (Yahu) had come to Jezreel, she painted her eyelids and fixed her hair and sat at a window. 31 When Jehu entered the gate of the palace, she shouted at him, “Have you come in peace, you murderer? You’re just like Zimri, who murdered his master!”

      32 Jehu looked up and saw her at the window and shouted, “Who is on my side?” And two or three eunuchs looked out at him. 33 “Throw her down!” Jehu yelled. So they threw her out the window, and her blood spattered against the wall and on the horses. And Jehu trampled her body under his horses’ hooves.

      34 Then Jehu went into the palace and ate and drank. Afterward he said, “Someone go and bury this cursed woman, for she is the daughter of a king.” 35 But when they went out to bury her, they found only her skull, her feet, and her hands.

      36 When they returned and told Jehu, he stated, “This fulfills the message from the Lord, which he spoke through his servant Elijah from Tishbe: ‘At the plot of land in Jezreel, dogs will eat Jezebel’s body. 37 Her remains will be scattered like dung on the plot of land in Jezreel, so that no one will be able to recognize her.’”

  76. Djelc..... were you ever a witness?

    1. Hello Yes, I currently am a Witness.

    2. And you go against what you believe and have been learning? Why?

    3. Are you saying that I "go against what you believe and have been learning? Why?

      To reply to the right person if this is the case you need to press the reply button by the comment you want to reply to. Thanks

    4. Hello can I ask if this is if I'm reading this correctly to me, that you think I have gone against what I believe and am learning. Is this correct and can you show me why you think this so I can reassure you?
      Many thanks

  77. Djelc..... were you ever a witness?

    1. Hi. I don't go against what I believe or have learnt. If you could show me where you think I have then I would be pleased to answer you??
      I am interested in the truth and defending Jehovah's name from the evidence I have studied. Thanks

  78. This is to Kevinb . Give it up pal You lost LOL Yehovah is the true God and that is his name pal. Remember the name Jehovah because you will be judged for blaspheming God"s name Jehovah LOL

  79. This is to Kevinb . Give it up pal You lost LOL Yehovah is the true God and that is his name pal. Remember the name Jehovah because you will be judged for blaspheming God"s name Jehovah LOL

  80. Haha, the truth is undefeated and can never lose, you satanic clown! Even the Enochian black magic practicing Satanists at the black sigil magic Witchtower don't use that made up name 'Yehovah'!

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Malachi 3:16-17

    A Book of Remembrance is Written

    16 Then those who revered YAH'UAH spoke with one another. And YAH'UAH listened attentively and heard, and a scroll of remembrance was written before him of those who revere YAH'UAH and ponder his name.

    17 “They will be mine,” says YAH'UAH of hosts, “on the day that I am acting, my treasured possession. I will have compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who serves him.

    1. YHWH is a deceptively demonic acronym created by Satan using only the 1st letter of the English transcription of the 4 Hebrew characters that make up YAH'UAH's name. UN is a legitimate acronym for 'United Nations'. YHWH is only an acronym, but it is a very deceptive one. YHWH simply takes the 1st letter of the Hebrew to English transcription of the names of the four Hebrew characters that make up God's name and use them to deceptively represent God's name in English.

    2. There are no consonants or vowels in the ancient Biblical, paleo Hebrew language. Each Hebrew character has an individual sound. The sounds that those Hebrew characters make are combined to form Hebrew words. Those individual sounds incorporate both consonants and vowels when they are transcripted into English.

    3. The actual names of the individual Hebrew characters in the word or name are NOT used in the pronounciation of those Hebrew characters that form words or names.

    4. When transcripting Hebrew words into English, a combination of English consonants and vowels are used in order to accurately pronounce those Hebrew words in the exact same way, which is what is always done when transcripting from one language to another.

    5. Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey are only the transcripted names of the 4 Hebrew characters that make up God's Name. Due to demonic deception, YHWH has become a transliterated acronym that is used to hide God's Name. The truth is that it is impossible to have an accurate Hebrew character-to-English letter transliteration because Hebrew characters do not have an an English letter equivilent.

    6. Unlike English, Hebrew characters produce sounds, not letters, which are strung together to produce the sounds that form words in Hebrew. YHWH is an acronym that uses only the 1st English letter of each of the first 4 characters transcripted from Hebrew that form God's Name.

    7. The names of each Hebrew character has nothing to do with how to pronounce the sounds of those characters that form Hebrew words.

    8. Hebrew is not like English where letters are put together to produce sounds, that then becomes a word that has meaning. Unlike English, the spelling and pronunciation of the names of Hebrew characters is not related to how that character actually sounds when speaking Hebrew.

    9. There are no English letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The sounds of the Hebrew characters that are transcripted into English use English letters that enable the word or name to sound exactly like it would in Hebrew.

    A combination of English vowels and consonants form the 4 Hebrew characters in God's Name that are transcripted into English as Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey.

    10. Even though Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey are the 4 Hebrew characters that form God's Name, they are NOT how the characters are actually pronounced. Yod is pronounced with a hard 'Y' sound like the English word 'Yes', Hey is actually pronounced 'AH', Waw is actually pronounced 'OO' or a long 'U' like in 'Bruin', Hey is again pronounced 'AH'.

    11. God's name is pronounced Y-AH-OO-AH or YAH'UAH, and should be spelled similiarly in all English versions of the Bible in order to produce the proper pronunciation.

    The pronunciation is the same in English as it is in Hebrew, as it is in all languages. God's name should be spelled in each language so that the sound and pronunciation will be the same.

  85. John 8:43-47 The Message (MSG)

    43 Why can’t you understand one word I say? Here’s why: You can’t handle it.

    44 You’re from your father, the Devil, and all you want to do is please him. He was a killer from the very start. He couldn’t stand the truth because there wasn’t a shred of truth in him. When the Liar speaks, he makes it up out of his lying nature and fills the world with lies.

    45 I arrive on the scene, tell you the plain truth, and you refuse to have a thing to do with me. 46 Can any one of you convict me of a single misleading word, a single sinful act? But if I’m telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?

    47 Anyone on God’s side listens to God’s words. This is why you’re not listening—because you’re not on God’s side.”

    12. Satanic Bible 'scholars'under 'inspiration' from their father, the Devil, use YHWH to hide YAHU'AH's name and is even cited in the wicked Witchtower's references to God's name. They took the 1st letter of the English transcription of the four Hebrew characters that make up God's name and chose them to represent God's name in English in order to hide the true Name of the Almighty.

    13. As stated, the names of Hebrew characters Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey is not related to the pronounciation of those characters. Hebrews do not pronounce God's name "Yodheywawhey". So using the 1st English letter of those transcripted Hebrew characters as an acronym to represent God's name is absurd!

    14. Satanic Bible scholars are the ones who decided to use YHWH or YHVH or JHVH, instead of using God's full name. Do satanic Bible scholars use acronyms for other names of people in the Bible? Of course not, so why would they do it for the Most High?

    Because they are from their 'FATHER THE DEVIL' who wants to hide God's true name so that humans will not know and be able to 'call upon that name' and 'worship Him with spirit and truth'. (Romans 10:13) (John 4:24)

    15. Satanic Bible scholars were deliberately trying to hide the true name of God by using an acronym for God's Name, knowing that the Jews do not say God's Name out loud under the false superstitious belief they may, even accidentally, say God's name 'in vain'. Therefore, the correct pronunciation continues to be hidden!

    16. There is no 'J' sound in Hebrew! In fact, there was not even a letter 'J' in English until around 1530 CE, although that same sound was found in the letter 'G', such as in the name 'George', and later in a 3rd pronunciation of the letter 'i' that was discontinued when a semi-circle was added at the bottom of the 'i' to form the 'j' as the 26th letter of the English alphabet.

    17. There was always a 'Y' in English and other languages, so there was no need to change the letter 'Y' to an 'i' and then a 'J' in the pronunciation or in an acronym of God's name.

    18. The wicked Witchtower contradicts themselves by using both the YHWH and JHVH acronyms. There should not be any acronyms for God's name, but saying that either YHWH and JHVH is acceptable is ludicrous!

    19. As stated, there was never a 'J', nor are there any English letters in Hebrew, that are an exact representation of any Hebrew character. While English has individual letters that are formed to produce sounds and words, Hebrew has characters that each make individual sounds that are put together to form words.

  86. Matthew 15:9 New Life Version (NLV)

    9 'Their worship of Me is worth nothing. They teach what men have made up.’

    20. The 1968 Witchtower's reference book 'Aid to Bible Understanding', which was used before the 1984 'Insight into the Scriptures' reference books were published to replace the 'Aid' book, correctly stated that 'Je-hovah' was made up by a Catholic Dominican Monk named Raymundis Martini in the 13th century.

    21. The wicked Witchtower knows that Raymundis Martini's mistranslation of God's name into Latin was made-up, but in reality it is also a blasphemous, slanderous, deliberately twisted and satanically inspired version of God's name, which had never been used by anyone before 1270 CE.

    22. The Witchtower deliberately left out that truth about Raymundis Martini's mistranslation of God's name from their the 1984 'Insight into the Scriptures' reference books, and even took out that truth out of their own Witchtower library that is on CD, and now online!

    Matthew 6:9 New Century Version (NCV)

    9 So when you pray, you should pray like this:
    ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name always be kept holy.

    23. Rap moguel Jay-Z refers to himself as 'Hovah' or 'Jay-Hovah'. 'Hovah' in Hebrew, which is part of the false name 'Je-hovah, comes from a Hebrew word that means mischievous' and directly TRANSLATES (NOT transcripted or transliterated) to 'ruin', 'disaster'... but it is NOT THE TRUE TRANSLATION of GOD'S NAME, YAH'UAH.

    (see pics on pages 1 and 174 and the following excerpt from page 186 from the book "Satanic Voices")

    "This then is the true origin of Jehovah - Ja - Bul - On...

    "Jehovah Ja - Bul - On is quite definitely the devil in disguise, and this name when invoked in Masonic Royal Arch rituals and elsewhere, calls forth the 'Compelling force of Gehenum or Hell', which compels its adherents to do evil."

    "The first clue came from Rev T.K. Cheyne, Fellow of Balliol College, who said: "The form Jehovah is unhesitatingly to be rejected due to a misunderstanding of comparatively modern origin."

    24. Hovah Definition: a ruin, disaster; Short Definition: disaster

    25. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance: mischief
    'Hovah' is a another form for 'Havvah'; ruin -- mischief.

    'Y' = I (or self)
    'AH' = exist
    'OO' = causing (to)
    'AH' = exist

    27. So for approximately 5,200+ years, 'Je-hovah' was never used nor promoted as God's name. It has only been in the last 700+ years or so, that 'Je-hovah' satanically came into existence, and only 500+ years in English.

    28. Jehovah is actually another name for the Devil! 'Azazel' was the Devil's original name which means 'power of God'. Bible scholar Lew White uses 'Elohim' which is a Hebrew transcription for the English word 'God'. (see #9 (Lev 16:8,10,26)

    29. The Witchtower even admits that 'Je-hovah' is incorrect, but they state that it is 'the name that people are most familiar with' and the most accepted version of God's name. All the while claiming that they are the only religion that has the 'truth'!

    30. If the Name they promote is false, and they admit it is, why would they promulgate a false name of the most important person in the universe, the Almighty Creator, whose name we are to 'make holy' and 'keep sanctified'... and yet the Witchtower somehow still claims that they have the 'Truth'?

    31. They are hypocritical liars, just all of the religions of Christendumb that they constantly criticize as being from the Devil. It is NOT 'the name that people are most familiar' with and it is NOT the the most accepted version of God's name. Most believers in the Bible would say God's name is 'Jesus' or the 'Lord' or maybe 'Yahweh', before ever saying 'Je-hovah'!

    32. No other religion promotes that false, blasphemous name like the modern-day Pharisees, the JJ's (Je-hovah's Jackasses)... whose real leaders, as well as the front men puppets that they control, the 'Governing Bozos' and the 'satanic slave', are all from their Father the Devil!

    33. Read and understand the prophecy at Isaiah 66:5 about the dispute among brothers about God's true name. This is now being fulfilled, even among true anointed brothers of the Messiah, YAH'USHA!

    34. The Usage of Jehovah Came From Catholicism (ignore the 'Jesus is Lord' nonsense on the following webpage)

    35. "These "legitimate derivations" include the phrase hallelu-yah ("Praise YHWH") found in the Psalms. Further, the shortened form ("Yah") of the divine name occurs several times..."

    Joshua 24:14-16
    Challenge to be faithful

    14 “So now, revere YAH'UAH . Serve him honestly and faithfully. Put aside the gods that your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt and serve YAH'UAH.

    15 But if it seems wrong in your opinion to serve YAH'UAH , then choose today whom you will serve. Choose the gods whom your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live. But my family and I will serve YAH'UAH.”

    16 Then the people answered, “God forbid that we ever leave YAH'UAH to serve other gods!

  88. Kevin leave them as they do not hear Him as we are! The Father chooses to hear who He wants and Convincts whom He chooses. Be at peace. Shalom brother YAHUSHUA MASHIACH BERECHAH YOU......X REGARDS PARADISE ISRAEL

  89. Kevin leave them as they do not hear Him as we are! The Father chooses to hear who He wants and Convincts whom He chooses. Be at peace. Shalom brother YAHUSHUA MASHIACH BERECHAH YOU......X REGARDS PARADISE ISRAEL

  90. Jah means God. Hovah means Destruction. This is a fact. God of Destruction when placed together. But some people say oh that is not how Hebrew grammar works! Do you think the God of destruction cares whether or not the grammar is proper? He convinced people to worship him in the media with secret images and codes into music or tv. So why not change the name of God to mean himself but convince people it was God's real name to begin with? He dont care if the people think they talking to God, he still gets his thrills. He did this because of Cult-Ture and how it has been manipulated. Or just like the word His-Story. So the word Jah-Hovah is no different in English or Latin usage. Maybe in Hebrew the grammar is not right, as it is a Hebrew word. It dont mater if you think its not the destruction name. To him your saying it, so it still means what it means not matter what any Hebrew Scholar or linguist claim it may say!

  91. All you yahuest are brain dead. God's name is Yehovah in Hebrew and Jehovah in English.

  92. הוָֹה Lexical number H1943
    Transliteration = hovah
    Meaning = Misfortune, calamity, adversity.

    יְהֹוָה Lexical number H3068
    Transliteration = Yehovah
    Meaning = Jehovah, name of the supreme God of the Hebrews.

    הָיָה Lexical number H1961
    Transliteration = hayah
    Meaning = To be, to become, exist.

    So his name translated in any language means "I am that I am" or What not so wouldn't that be 'Ahayah Ashir Ahayah'??
    Because I am is the same as 'to be'
    Also if Hovah is the root word of 'yeHOVAH' wouldn't that mean I Am Destruction ??? It sounds simple to me so why make it all complicated with these different definitions??

    1. Thanks for your comment.

      No, that is the whole point of this defence, hovah is not the root word, but has been an easy mistake that many have got wrong.

      The root word makes up the meaning not the other way round.

      "Yehovah comes from the root HYH היה, meaning “to be,” whereas the word HOVAH (disaster) comes from the root HVH הוה. The two words only sound similar to someone blissfully ignorant of Hebrew grammar."

      YouTube nehemia gordon a hebrew scholar for a conclusive answer.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. As you correctly stated, we are living in the 'time of the end' when 'knowledge' was prophesied to become 'abundant', including the revelation of the correct propnunciation of God's true Name. Now there are no excuses for being willfully ignorant of His Name. (Dan 12:4,9,10)

      You are correct in saying that HOVAH is the Hebrew word that is within the false name 'jeHOVAH', which essentially means 'destruction/ruin/calamity'. HOVAH actually comes from a root word that means 'mischief, trickery and deception'.

      So the slanderous and blasphemous name of 'jeHOVAH God' actually translates in meaning a God who 'causes ruin/destruction by using mischief, trickery and deception'.

      It really represents the Devil himself and is another name/title for Satan just like Lucifer, Beelzebub, Belial etc...

      Some high level Luciferians actually secretly worship 'jeHovah' as their God, as do 'jeHovah the Devil's' dimwits, who ignorantly accept whatever is written in their Witchtower by the 'wicked slave'. (Matthew 24:48-51)

      Jehovah the Devil's dimwits are the only public, Babylonish false religion to use that blasphemous name for the Almighty, whose Name we are to sanctify, not blaspheme! (Matt 6:9) (Rev 18:4)

      As far as using 'Ahayah Ashir Ahayah' because it supposedly means "I am that I am"
      #1) it is not what YAH'UAH means. His Name means 'I exist, causing to exist'.
      #2) We don't use the definition, or meaning of a name, as a person's actual name. We call him by His name 'YAH'UAH'.

      'Micheal' means 'who is like God', but we don't use that definition as His name. It is what His name means. We call him by His name 'Micheal'.

      YAH'USHA means 'YAH is salvation', but we do not use that definition as His name either, even though that is what the Son of God's earthly name means.

      We are to call Him by His 1st century Name 'YAH'USHA', as our Messiah, as that is 'the only name under heaven by which we can get saved'. (Acts 4:12, Phil 2:10,11)

      The false, slanderous name of 'Jesus' was originally 'Hesus', the wicked spirit that the demonic Druids use to worship.

      This is how you pronounce the Son of God's earthly Name:

      Ignore the ignorant gibberish from djlec, who does not even understand what 'transliteration' means. 'Transliteration' cannot used accurately between languages that have different alphabets. Some languages, like Hebrew, use 'characters' rather than 'letters'.

      Languages that use 'characters', rathers than 'letters', incorporate what we in English refer to as 'vowels and consonants' within the sounds of the characters.

      So, when 'translating' between different languages that have different alphabets, 'vowels and consonants' are incorporated within the 'sounds' of the translated characters to produce an equivalent 'transcripted' 'sound' when they those 'characters' are pronounced in English.

      So 'vowels and consonents' do not apply in those languages, as they do in other equivalent languages that use the same alphabet, such as the European languages English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German etc....

      Read my other comments about God's true Name for more information.

  93. I am quite perplexed at all the fuss about proper translation however I do know that ALL will be revealed, right on time! If The ONE TRUE GOD wants his name to be pronounced a certain way, will he not let those who seek him know? If it is in fact, near the end of this wicked system of things, (and I believe it is) we all shall KNOW the TRUE GOD soon enough. Please brothers and sisters be loving to one another and remain peaceable while trying to learn things of GOD, so that the HOLY SPIRIT will guide you. Otherwise you are doing it all on your own, and you may be deceived.
    May the TRUE GOD lead those sincerely seeking the Truth!

    1. Thank you for your excellent comment and I feel 100% the same way. I feel saddened that I had to defend the name Jehovah in the first place because of a lie or miss application about the word hovah. But I believe this blog and others gives people the truth about the divine name. Many thanks

    2. Are you from Bethel and are you the same 'unknown' commenter that posted a comment last week?

      Why are you so 'perplexed' about the 'fuss' being made about God's true Name?

      #1) no one had made a comment on this blog for over a year, so why are you 'quite perplexed' about

      #2) God's true Name is the most important one in the universe (Psalm 83:14-18) (Psalm 148:13)

      #3) We are to sanctify His Name (Matt 6:9)

      #4) We are to 'worship the Father in spirit and truth, because that is who He is looking for to worship Him' (John 4:23,24)

      #5) He is taking notice of those thinking upon His Name (Mal 3:16-18)

      #6) Those who dishonor and reject His Name are considered His enemies (Psalm 74:10)

      #7) He is going to curse those who do not honor His Name (Mal 2:2)

      #8) His enemies will be turned over to Satan to be disciplined for blaspheming Him (1 Tim 1:20)

      #9) The anti-Christ will lead the NWO 'Beast' and its worshipers in blaspheming God's Name (Rev 13:6)

      #10) Only those who call upon His true Name will be saved (Joel 2:30-32)
